KM News — Products
Review And Author Q&A : Exploring Emotional Health by Liz Edge
Featured Author of the Month - David Adam
David Adam was born in Alnwick, Northumberland and was the Vicar of Lindisfarne where he ministered to thousands of pilgrims and other visitors for thirteen years until he retired in March 2003. He is the author of many inspiring books on spirituality and prayer, and his Celtic writings have rekindled a keen interest in our Christian heritage. Icons of Glory Icons of Glory is a book of intercessions for the major church festivals throughout the year. Each set of intercessions prays for the Church, the world, the local community and our homes, the sick and those in need, ending with a remembrance...
Exploring Emotional Health
Still Valued and Blessed
Authors Patrick Coghlan Products
Five Note Philharmonic - Sarah Watts
Composers Products Sarah Watts