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Ali Dee

A new star in the Kevin Mayhew firmament of inspirational educational composers - Ali Dee!

Ali Dee lives in Nottingham, England and is married with three daughters. Over the last 25 years, Ali has worked with young children, mainly in Early Years and KS1. Her roles have ranged from childminder and teaching assistant to music specialist and music consultant. Ali's unique talent is writing for the voice and her music will instantly appeal to primary school children - it's tuneful, jazzy, attractive and memorable and great fun to sing.

Ali Dee learnt to play piano as a child and has taught herself to play various other instruments. She also loves to sing. Her goal is to encourage children to discover and develop what is already inside them – their talents, their creativity, their personalities, their hopes, their laughter, their confidence. She is passionate about making the shared experience of music and singing both fun and meaningful for children, giving them a means of expression which takes them out of the ordinary.

It is children who inspire her writing, and Ali hopes in turn to inspire them… and maybe some of the grown-ups too!