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Permissions & Licensing FAQ

Are your books still in copyright?

Copyright lasts 70 years after the authors death so all the books in our catalogue are still in copyright. Some songs or extracts in our books may now be public domain however. If you wish to photocopy hymns or songs that are in the public domain, please note that the piece may still be under the 25 year typographical arrangement copyright.

Can I use extracts from your publications in my assembly/sermon/personal use?

Currently Kevin Mayhew Publishers are happy for you to use this material in a not-for-profit forum as long as you cite Kevin Mayhew Publishers, the publication title and the author/composer alongside the work and the extract used does not exceed 400 words. This stance may change in the future and if so, we will update the information on this page accordingly. If you wish to use an extract for commercial purposes, please fill in the attached form and send it If the extract exceeds 400 words, please contact for permission.

Can I use extracts from your books in my online service?

We are happy for you to use verbal or written extracts in your online services providing that the author, extract source and us as the publisher is acknowledged either verbally or in writing. We also ask that you tag our social media handles with assumed permission that we can repost or share them on our own social media platforms, blog or website. If uploading to your own website, we ask that you remove the material after a year of posting.

Can I post/upload/publish/host/stream your published pre-recorded music online?

If you are enquiring on behalf of a church, many of our hymns are covered by the CCLI Streaming Licence and CCLI Streaming Plus Licence which allow you to post live-recorded services as well as the playing of master recordings on both your website and other platforms. For more information, go to

If you are an individual or school, you will require a licence to cover you, which licence will depend on the format of the performance and the how it is being stored online. (*) If you require a PRS license, then it is worth checking with the 3rd-party service you are using, as some services like Facebook & YouTube already have a PRS license that may also apply to you.

Can I report your works under my existing CCLI licence?

Kevin Mayhew Publishers are joined to CCLI and many of our hymns and songs are registered with them. You can check if a piece is covered by CCLI by using the CCLI SongSelect website:
If a song or hymn is not currently covered by the CCLI licencing scheme, you can contact us at to seek permission.

How can I perform one of your musicals or nativities?

If you wish to perform one of our musicals or nativities, please fill in the attached form and return it to

Can I use images from your books?

Please note that all images and artwork in our books are protected by copyright. If you would like to use them, please email

Can I make copies of an out-of-print book?

As out-of-print books will still be within a term of copyright, we ask that you submit your request to for permission.

Can I speak to someone over the phone about copyright?

Unfortunately we do not currently have an outgoing phone line for copyright queries. If you would like to get in touch, you can do so by emailing