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100 Easy To Play All Time Favourite Worship Songs100 Easy To Play All Time Favourite Worship Songs

100 Easy-To-Play All Time Favourite Worship Songs

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Product code: 3612428
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100 Easy-To-Play All-Time Favourite Worship Songs

A hundred easy-to-play arrangements for flute, recorder or violin of well loved worship songs. All in player-friendly keys to suit all ages and abilities. Guitar or keyboard chords included.


Abba, Father, let me be
All hail the Lamb
All heaven declares
All I once held dear
All my days
All over the world
Amazing grace
As the deer pants for the water
As we are gathered
Ascribe greatness
Be still and know that I am God
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Beauty for brokenness
Blessèd assurance
Blessèd be your name
Colours of day
Come, now is the time to worship
Come on and celebrate
Everyone needs compassion
Faithful One, so unchanging
Father God, I wonder
Father in heaven
For I'm building a people of power
From heaven you came
Give thanks to the Lord
Give thanks with a grateful heart
God forgave my sin
Great is the darkness
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
Great is thy faithfulness
He is exalted
He is Lord
Here I am
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
Hosanna, hosanna
How deep the Father's love for us
I am a new creation
I believe in Jesus
I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice
I, the Lord of sea and sky
I will offer up my life
I will worship
I'm accepted, I'm forgiven
In Christ alone
Jesus, be the centre
Jesus Christ
Jesus is King
Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaims it
Jesus is the name we honour
Jesus put this song
Jesus shall take the highest honour
Jubilate, everybody
King of kings, majesty
Let there be love
Let your living water flow
Light of the world
Lord, for the years
Lord, I come to you
Lord, I lift your name on high
Lord, the light of your love
Lord, you have my heart
Majesty, worship his majesty
Make way, make way
Meekness and majesty
Men of faith
My Jesus, my Saviour
O give thanks
O Lord, my God!
Only by grace
Open the eyes of my heart
Our God is a great big God
Over all the earth
Peace to you
Peace, perfect peace, is the gift
Purify my heart
Seek ye first
Shout for joy and sing
Spirit of the living God
Strength will rise as we wait
Such love
Teach me to dance
Tell out, my soul
Thank you for saving me
The Lord's my shepherd
The Spirit lives to set us free
The splendour of the King
There is a Redeemer
These are the days
To be in your presence
We are marching
We believe in God the Father
We want to see Jesus lifted high
We walk the land
When I look into your holiness
When the music fades
When we walk with the Lord
Wonderful, so wonderful
You are the King of Glory
You laid aside your majesty
You shall go out with joy