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50 French Organ Pieces50 French Organ Pieces

50 French Organ Pieces

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Product code: 1400363
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This collection of French organ music is designed for liturgical use and its contents may be used as processionals, recesssionals and interludes. Lengths are varied and some of the pieces contain optional editorial cuts which will enable them to fit easily into the differing requirements of liturgical celebration. Much of the music reflects the French love of joy and Álan; there are alos many beautiful and meditative works, all of which will greatly enhance parish worship.


Absolution - Guilmant
Allegretto amabile - Franck
Allegretto moderato - Gigout
Allegro - Gigout
Allegro maestoso - Gigout
Allegro vivace - Gigout
Chorale - Guilmant
Communion - Boëllmann
Communion - Dubois
Communion - Guilmant
Communion - Guilmant
Élévation - Boëllmann
Élévation - Boëllmann
Élévation - Boëllmann
Élévation - Boëllmann
Élévation - Guilmant
Élévation - Guilmant
Élévation - Guilmant
Élévation ou communion - Guilmant
Entrée - Dubois
Entry procession - Boëllmann
Entry procession - Boëllmann
Entry procession - Boëllmann
Fanfare - Dubois
Grand choeur - Dubois
Grand choeur - Guilmant
Grand choeur in G major - Salomé
Grand choeur triomphal - Guilmant
Hymne Ý Sainte Cécile - Gounod
Interlude - Gigout
Interlude from Vêpres de la fête de Sainte Cécile - Guilmant
Interlude in D minor - Guilmant
Interlude in G major - Guilmant
Invocation - Guilmant
Maestoso - Gigout
Maestoso - Guilmant
Magnificat (six verses for organ) - Guilmant
Marche Gothique Théodor - Salomé
Marche in F major - Lefébure-Wély
Marche Romaine - Gounod
Moderato - Gigout
Offertoire - Guilmant
Poco allegretto - Franck
Prelude - Franck
Prière - Guilmant
Prière - Salomé
Processional march - Guilmant
Sortie - Dubois
Sortie - Dubois
Sortie - Guilmant