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Working alongside any Catholic hymn book, allowing congregations to sing the best and most loved compositions of recent years alongside the traditional hymns.
Words Edition
Cover: Paperback
Melody Edition
Cover: Hardback
This index gives the first line of each hymn. If a hymn is known also by a title (e.g God of the poor) this is given as well, but indented.
A New People's Mass (Murray)
A Simple Mass
Mass of the Spirit
Mass of the Bread of Life (Rizza)
Mass XVIII (Plainsong)
Penitential Rite
Kyrie (Mawby)
Kyrie 7 (Taizé)
Kyrie eleison (Haugen)
Kyrie eleison (Rizza)
Lord, have mercy (Alme Pater)
Lord, have mercy (Archer)
Lord, have mercy (Missa de Angelis)
Lord, have mercy (Orbis Factor)
Lord, have mercy (Rock)
Lord, have mercy on us (Filitz)
Ash Grove
Country Gardens
Coventry Gloria
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia! Magnificat!
Berthier (Taizé)
Halle, halle, halle
Lent and Holy Week (Moore)
Lent and Holy Week (Walsh)
Moore No 1
Moore No 2
Moore No 3
Scottish Alleluia
Ash Grove
Celtic Liturgy
Deutsche Messe
Memorial Acclamation
Christ has died
Celtic Liturgy
Dying you destroyed our death Duffy
When we eat this bread
Great Amen
South African
Lord's Prayer
Agnus Dei
A Blessing
A child is born in Bethlehem
Across the years there echoes still
Adoramus te, Domine Deus
A healing song
Advent acclamations
A hymn of glory let us sing!
Alleluia: All the earth
Alleluia, I will praise the Father
Alleluia: Praise God
Alleluia: Sing, my soul
All for Jesus!
All heaven declares
All I once held dear
All the ends of the earth
Alma redemptoris mater
A noble flower of Judah
Arise to greet the Lord of light
As the deer pants for the water
As we are gathered
A touching place
At your feet
Ave, Regina caelorum
Ave verum corpus
Awake, awake and greet the new morn
Awake from your slumber
Beauty for brokenness
Behold, the Saviour of the nations
Be humble of heart
Beloved, let us love
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Blessed assurance
Blessed be God
Blessed be the God of Jesus Christ
Bless the Lord, my soul
Blest are you, Lord of creation
Blest are you, O God
Born in the night, Mary's child
Bread from the earth
Bread is blessed and broken
Bridegroom and bride
Brother, sister, let me serve you
By his grace
Called to be servants
Calm me, Lord
Change my heart, O God
Christ be our light
Christians, lift up your hearts
Christ's is the world
Christ triumphant
Christus vincit
City of God
Come, Holy Spirit, come
Come light of our hearts
Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life
Come, O God of all the earth
Come on and celebrate!
Come to me
Come to m
Come to me, come, my people
Come to the table of the Lord
Dance in your Spirit
Day of wrath and day of wonder
Deep within my heart
Dying you destroyed our death
Enfold me in your love
Exaudi nos, Domine
Faithful Cross
Father God, gentle Father God
Father God, I wonder
Father, we come to you
For the fruits of his creation
For you my soul is thirsting
From heaven you came
From many grains
From the sun's rising
From the very depths of darkness
Gather around, for the table is spread
Gather us in
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Glory and praise to our God
God in the planning
God is my great desire
God of eternal light
God of the covenant
God of the Passover
God of the poor
Go forth in his name
Going home
Good Christians all, rejoice
Great indeed are your works, O Lord
Great love
Hail the risen Lord, ascending
Hail, true Body
Have mercy on us, O Lord
Hear my cry
Heaven is open wide
Here in this place
Holy God
Holy God, of righteous glory
Holy God, your pilgrim people
Holy Jesus, in our likeness born
Holy Spirit, come, confirm us
Hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna to the Son of David
How shall they hear the word of God
I cannot tell
I come like a beggar
I danced in the morning
I give you love
I have loved you with an everlasting love
I'll turn my steps to the altar of God
In company with Christians past
In the Lord I'll be ever thankful
In the Lord is my joy
In the shadow of your wings
I received the living God
I saw streams of water flowing
I will bless the Lord
I will seek your face, O Lord
I will sing your praises
I will walk in the presence of God
Jesus calls us
Jesus, ever-flowing fountain
Jesus is Lord! Creations voice proclaims it
Jesus is our joy
Jesus, Lord of glory
Jesus, Name above all names
Jesus the Word, has lived among us
Jesus, who condemns you?
Joy to the world
Jubilate, everybody
Judas and Mary
Kindle a flame
King of kings and Lord of lords
Knowing you
Lamb of God, Holy One
Leave your gift
Let love be real
Let our praise to you be as incense
Let the heavens declare
Let the hungry come to me
Let us sing your glory
Lift high the cross
Like as the deer
Like the murmur of the dove's son
Listen to me, Yahweh
Listen to my voice
Lo, he comes with clouds descending
Longing for light
Lord of creation
Lord of the dance
Lord, the light of your love
Lord, unite all nations
Lord, we come to ask your healing
Lord, when I wake I turn to you
Lord, you give the great commission
Love came down at Christmas
Love is the only law
Lovely in your littleness
Lumen Christi
Make way, make way
Mary had a baby
May the Lord bless you
May you see the face of God
Meekness and majesty
Misericordias Domini
My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?
My heart will sing to you
My people, what have I done to you?
Nada te turbe
Nothing can trouble
Now as the evening shadows fall
Now I know what love is
Nunc Dimittis
O fountain of life
O God beyond all prais
O God of grace, we thank you
O God, please listen
O Lord, my heart is not proud
O Lord, your tenderness
One Father
One God
On this day of joy
Onward, Christian pilgrims
O Queen of heaven
O sing a new song
Ostende nobis
O suffering Jesus
O that today you would listen to his voice
Our Saviour, Christ,
Ours were the sufferings he bore
O Word, in uncreated light
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
Peace is flowing like a river (New ver
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord in his holy house
Praise to God for saints and martyrs
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Ecumenical Version)
Reap me the earth
Rejoice, all heavenly powers
Said Judas to Mary
Sanctum nomen Domini
Save us, O Lord
See, Christ was wounded
See him lying on a bed of straw
See the holy table, spread for our healing
Send forth your Spirit (Rees)
Send forth your Spirit (Nazareth)
Shine, Jesus, shine
Silent, surrendered
Sing, holy Mother
Sing it in the valleys
Sing out, earth and skies
Sing the gospel of salvation
Song of farewell
Stay here and keep watch
Surrexit Christus
Take my hands, Lord
Take my life
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord
Thanks for the fellowship
The Beatitudes
The kingdom of heaven
The Lord is my light
The Lord is my song
The Saviour will come, resplendent in joy
The servant song
The Servant King
The sign of hope, creation's joy
The Stations of the Cross
The Summons
The table's set, Lor
The trees of the field
The wandering flock of Israel
This is your God
Thou, whose almighty word
To be in your presence my desire
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul
To your altar we bring
Veni, lumen cordium
Veni, Sancte Spiritus
Victimae Paschali laudes
Wait for the Lord (New version)
Waken, O sleeper, wake and rise
We are his children
We are his people
We are marching
We believe
We cannot measure
We celebrate the new creation
We have a dream
We shall stay awake
What feast of love
What kind of greatness
When I feel the touch
When I needed a neighbour
When the time came
Where is love and loving kindness
Where the love of Christ unites us
Where true love is found with charity
Where true love is present
Will you come and follow me
With the Lord there is mercy
With you, O God
Yahweh is the God of my salvation
You are the centre
You are the King of Glory
You are the light
You give, Lord
You have the message of eternal life
Your love's greater
You shall go out with joy
A butterfly, an Easter egg
All in an Easter garden
All of my heart
All of the people
And everyone beneath the vine and fig tree
As Jacob with travel was weary one day
Be the centre of my life
Biggest isn't always best
Care for your world
Caterpillar, caterpillar
'Cheep!' said the sparrow
Circle of friends
Clap your hands, all you people
Clap your hands and sing this song
Colours of hope
Come and praise the Lord our King
Come, God's children
Come, they told me
Dear child divine
Don't build your house on the sandy land
Do what you know is right
Each of us is a living stone
Father welcomes all his children
Fishes of the ocean
Friends, all gather here in a circle
God almighty set a rainbow
God gives his people strength
God knows me
God our Father gave us life
God sends a rainbow
God turned darkness into light
Goliath was big and Goliath was strong
Hail, Mary, full of grace
Hallelu, hallelu
Have you heard the raindrops
He is the King
Hey, now, everybody sing
I'm black, I'm white, I'm short, I'm tall
In the upper room
Isn't it good
I've got peace like a river
I will wave my hands
Jesus had all kinds of friends
Jesus is greater
Jesus is the living way
Jesus put this song into our hearts
Jesus turned the water into wine
Jesus went away to the desert
Jesus will never, ever
Jesus, you love me
Lead my people to freedom
Let the mountains dance and sing
Life for the poor was hard and tough
Little donkey
Little Jesus, sleep away
Living stones
Lord of the future
Lord, we've come to worship you
Lord, you've promised, through your Son
Lord, forgive us
My mouth was made for worship
Nobody's a nobody
O come and join the dance
O give thanks
One hundred and fifty-three!
Our God is so great
Out to the great wide world we go
O when the saints go marching in
Peter and John went to pray
Praise and thanksgiving
Praise God in his holy place
Put your trust
Rise and shine
Signs of new life
Silver and gold
Sing praise to God
Step by step, on and on
The birds' song
The children's band
The little drummer boy
There are hundreds of sparrows
There's a great big world out there
There's a rainbow in the sky
There was one, there were two
The voice from the bush
The wise man
The world is full of smelly feet
Water of life
We will praise
When the Spirit of the Lord
When your Father made the world
Who put the colours in the rainbow?
Yesterday, today, for ever
You must do for others
You've got to move
Zacchaeus was a very little man
Zip bam boo
A New People's Mass (Murray)
A Simple Mass
Mass of the Spirit
Mass of the Bread of Life (Rizza)
Mass XVIII (Plainsong)
Penitential Rite
Kyrie (Mawby)
Kyrie 7 (Taizé)
Kyrie eleison (Haugen)
Kyrie eleison (Rizza)
Lord, have mercy (Alme Pater)
Lord, have mercy (Archer)
Lord, have mercy (Missa de Angelis)
Lord, have mercy (Orbis Factor)
Lord, have mercy (Rock)
Lord, have mercy on us (Filitz)
Ash Grove
Country Gardens
Coventry Gloria
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia! Magnificat!
Berthier (Taizé)
Halle, halle, halle
Lent and Holy Week (Moore)
Lent and Holy Week (Walsh)
Moore No 1
Moore No 2
Moore No 3
Scottish Alleluia
Ash Grove
Celtic Liturgy
Deutsche Messe
Memorial Acclamation
Christ has died
Celtic Liturgy
Dying you destroyed our death Duffy
When we eat this bread
Great Amen
South African
Lord's Prayer
Agnus Dei
A Blessing
A child is born in Bethlehem
Across the years there echoes still
Adoramus te, Domine Deus
A healing song
Advent acclamations
A hymn of glory let us sing!
Alleluia: All the earth
Alleluia, I will praise the Father
Alleluia: Praise God
Alleluia: Sing, my soul
All for Jesus!
All heaven declares
All I once held dear
All the ends of the earth
Alma redemptoris mater
A noble flower of Judah
Arise to greet the Lord of light
As the deer pants for the water
As we are gathered
A touching place
At your feet
Ave, Regina caelorum
Ave verum corpus
Awake, awake and greet the new morn
Awake from your slumber
Beauty for brokenness
Behold, the Saviour of the nations
Be humble of heart
Beloved, let us love
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Blessed assurance
Blessed be God
Blessed be the God of Jesus Christ
Bless the Lord, my soul
Blest are you, Lord of creation
Blest are you, O God
Born in the night, Mary's child
Bread from the earth
Bread is blessed and broken
Bridegroom and bride
Brother, sister, let me serve you
By his grace
Called to be servants
Calm me, Lord
Change my heart, O God
Christ be our light
Christians, lift up your hearts
Christ's is the world
Christ triumphant
Christus vincit
City of God
Come, Holy Spirit, come
Come light of our hearts
Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life
Come, O God of all the earth
Come on and celebrate!
Come to me
Come to m
Come to me, come, my people
Come to the table of the Lord
Dance in your Spirit
Day of wrath and day of wonder
Deep within my heart
Dying you destroyed our death
Enfold me in your love
Exaudi nos, Domine
Faithful Cross
Father God, gentle Father God
Father God, I wonder
Father, we come to you
For the fruits of his creation
For you my soul is thirsting
From heaven you came
From many grains
From the sun's rising
From the very depths of darkness
Gather around, for the table is spread
Gather us in
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Glory and praise to our God
God in the planning
God is my great desire
God of eternal light
God of the covenant
God of the Passover
God of the poor
Go forth in his name
Going home
Good Christians all, rejoice
Great indeed are your works, O Lord
Great love
Hail the risen Lord, ascending
Hail, true Body
Have mercy on us, O Lord
Hear my cry
Heaven is open wide
Here in this place
Holy God
Holy God, of righteous glory
Holy God, your pilgrim people
Holy Jesus, in our likeness born
Holy Spirit, come, confirm us
Hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna to the Son of David
How shall they hear the word of God
I cannot tell
I come like a beggar
I danced in the morning
I give you love
I have loved you with an everlasting love
I'll turn my steps to the altar of God
In company with Christians past
In the Lord I'll be ever thankful
In the Lord is my joy
In the shadow of your wings
I received the living God
I saw streams of water flowing
I will bless the Lord
I will seek your face, O Lord
I will sing your praises
I will walk in the presence of God
Jesus calls us
Jesus, ever-flowing fountain
Jesus is Lord! Creations voice proclaims it
Jesus is our joy
Jesus, Lord of glory
Jesus, Name above all names
Jesus the Word, has lived among us
Jesus, who condemns you?
Joy to the world
Jubilate, everybody
Judas and Mary
Kindle a flame
King of kings and Lord of lords
Knowing you
Lamb of God, Holy One
Leave your gift
Let love be real
Let our praise to you be as incense
Let the heavens declare
Let the hungry come to me
Let us sing your glory
Lift high the cross
Like as the deer
Like the murmur of the dove's son
Listen to me, Yahweh
Listen to my voice
Lo, he comes with clouds descending
Longing for light
Lord of creation
Lord of the dance
Lord, the light of your love
Lord, unite all nations
Lord, we come to ask your healing
Lord, when I wake I turn to you
Lord, you give the great commission
Love came down at Christmas
Love is the only law
Lovely in your littleness
Lumen Christi
Make way, make way
Mary had a baby
May the Lord bless you
May you see the face of God
Meekness and majesty
Misericordias Domini
My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?
My heart will sing to you
My people, what have I done to you?
Nada te turbe
Nothing can trouble
Now as the evening shadows fall
Now I know what love is
Nunc Dimittis
O fountain of life
O God beyond all prais
O God of grace, we thank you
O God, please listen
O Lord, my heart is not proud
O Lord, your tenderness
One Father
One God
On this day of joy
Onward, Christian pilgrims
O Queen of heaven
O sing a new song
Ostende nobis
O suffering Jesus
O that today you would listen to his voice
Our Saviour, Christ,
Ours were the sufferings he bore
O Word, in uncreated light
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
Peace is flowing like a river (New ver
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord in his holy house
Praise to God for saints and martyrs
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Ecumenical Version)
Reap me the earth
Rejoice, all heavenly powers
Said Judas to Mary
Sanctum nomen Domini
Save us, O Lord
See, Christ was wounded
See him lying on a bed of straw
See the holy table, spread for our healing
Send forth your Spirit (Rees)
Send forth your Spirit (Nazareth)
Shine, Jesus, shine
Silent, surrendered
Sing, holy Mother
Sing it in the valleys
Sing out, earth and skies
Sing the gospel of salvation
Song of farewell
Stay here and keep watch
Surrexit Christus
Take my hands, Lord
Take my life
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord
Thanks for the fellowship
The Beatitudes
The kingdom of heaven
The Lord is my light
The Lord is my song
The Saviour will come, resplendent in joy
The servant song
The Servant King
The sign of hope, creation's joy
The Stations of the Cross
The Summons
The table's set, Lor
The trees of the field
The wandering flock of Israel
This is your God
Thou, whose almighty word
To be in your presence my desire
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul
To your altar we bring
Veni, lumen cordium
Veni, Sancte Spiritus
Victimae Paschali laudes
Wait for the Lord (New version)
Waken, O sleeper, wake and rise
We are his children
We are his people
We are marching
We believe
We cannot measure
We celebrate the new creation
We have a dream
We shall stay awake
What feast of love
What kind of greatness
When I feel the touch
When I needed a neighbour
When the time came
Where is love and loving kindness
Where the love of Christ unites us
Where true love is found with charity
Where true love is present
Will you come and follow me
With the Lord there is mercy
With you, O God
Yahweh is the God of my salvation
You are the centre
You are the King of Glory
You are the light
You give, Lord
You have the message of eternal life
Your love's greater
You shall go out with joy
A butterfly, an Easter egg
All in an Easter garden
All of my heart
All of the people
And everyone beneath the vine and fig tree
As Jacob with travel was weary one day
Be the centre of my life
Biggest isn't always best
Care for your world
Caterpillar, caterpillar
'Cheep!' said the sparrow
Circle of friends
Clap your hands, all you people
Clap your hands and sing this song
Colours of hope
Come and praise the Lord our King
Come, God's children
Come, they told me
Dear child divine
Don't build your house on the sandy land
Do what you know is right
Each of us is a living stone
Father welcomes all his children
Fishes of the ocean
Friends, all gather here in a circle
God almighty set a rainbow
God gives his people strength
God knows me
God our Father gave us life
God sends a rainbow
God turned darkness into light
Goliath was big and Goliath was strong
Hail, Mary, full of grace
Hallelu, hallelu
Have you heard the raindrops
He is the King
Hey, now, everybody sing
I'm black, I'm white, I'm short, I'm tall
In the upper room
Isn't it good
I've got peace like a river
I will wave my hands
Jesus had all kinds of friends
Jesus is greater
Jesus is the living way
Jesus put this song into our hearts
Jesus turned the water into wine
Jesus went away to the desert
Jesus will never, ever
Jesus, you love me
Lead my people to freedom
Let the mountains dance and sing
Life for the poor was hard and tough
Little donkey
Little Jesus, sleep away
Living stones
Lord of the future
Lord, we've come to worship you
Lord, you've promised, through your Son
Lord, forgive us
My mouth was made for worship
Nobody's a nobody
O come and join the dance
O give thanks
One hundred and fifty-three!
Our God is so great
Out to the great wide world we go
O when the saints go marching in
Peter and John went to pray
Praise and thanksgiving
Praise God in his holy place
Put your trust
Rise and shine
Signs of new life
Silver and gold
Sing praise to God
Step by step, on and on
The birds' song
The children's band
The little drummer boy
There are hundreds of sparrows
There's a great big world out there
There's a rainbow in the sky
There was one, there were two
The voice from the bush
The wise man
The world is full of smelly feet
Water of life
We will praise
When the Spirit of the Lord
When your Father made the world
Who put the colours in the rainbow?
Yesterday, today, for ever
You must do for others
You've got to move
Zacchaeus was a very little man
Zip bam boo
There is a wide range of hymn books available to purchase with various choices in hymns and settings. To help you identify the best hymn books for your circumstances, we have compiled a PDF document allowing you to better compare options. Click here to view the guide.