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Godparent Certificate - Doves

Godparent Certificate - Doves

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Product code: 1131030

A5 Godparent certificate for baptism ceremonies - Pack of 10.

I, __________ godparent to __________ baptised at __________ on the __________ day of __________ in the year of our Lord __________ promise to care for them, pray for them and, by example, help them grow in the Christian faith.

Dear Heavenly Father, for those who care for __________ please pour out your blessings on them to overflowing with your gifts of love, faith and wisdom. Watch over and protect them and, by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, may the light of your presence and your joy always be with them. Amen

Pack size: 10
Size: A5 (148 x 210mm)

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