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Easy Anthem BookEasy Anthem Book

Easy Anthem Book

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Product code: 1450243
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Instruments: SATB
Our very latest collection of 50 anthems - great pieces at a bargain price, working out at just 22 pence an anthem.

All the pieces are short and easy: ideal for the parish choir.

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A communion song - Andrew Moore
A depth of satisfaction - Rosalie Bonighton
At this table - Stanley Vann
Ave verum - David Terry
Ave verum corpus - Pearsall
Bread of heaven - Robert Jones
Come, praise the Lord - Brian Glading
Come, prepare the way - Clarke
Come with newly-written anthems - Stanley Vann
Comfort, O Lord, the soul of thy servant - Crotch
God be in my head - Martin Setchell
God beyond earth's finest treasures - Richard Lloyd
God is - John Marsh
God is our refuge, God is our strength - Michael Higgins
Hail, true Body - Andrew Fletcher
Hail, true Body - Michael Higgins
Have mercy on me, loving Lord - Elizabeth Hill
He is exalted - Twila Paris
I am the light of the world - Rosalie Bonighton
If ye love me, keep my commandments - Tallis
I will sing your mercies, Lord - Stanley Vann
Jesus, every thought and word - John Marsh
Let all mortal flesh keep silence - David Terry
Like the deer that yearns - Andrew Moore
Lord, hear the lonely sufferer's cry - Colin Mawby
Lord, I gladly trust in you - June Nixon
Memorare - Stanley Vann
Now let us from this table rise - Norman Warren
Only by grace - Gerrit Gustafson
O praise God in his holiness - David Terry
O salutaris hostia - David Terry
O thou, who hast at thy command - David Terry
Praise we our God with joy - David Terry
Prayer for peace - Margaret Rizza
Rejoice in the Lord alway - Christopher Tambling
St Patrick's Prayer - June Nixon
Sing to the Lord - Schubert
Sound out his praises - Handel
Such love - Graham Kendrick
Take this bread - Andrew Wright
Tantum ergo - David Terry
The day of resurrection! - Robert Jones
Then let us go - John Marsh
To thee, O Lord, I yield my spirit - Mendelssohn
We adore thee - Robert Jones
We lift our hearts in worship - Colin Mawby
With God my Saviour as my Light - Betty Roe
You are the Bread of Life - Andrew Moore
Your majesty is splendid, Lord - Andrew Fletcher
You shall go out with joy - Stuart Dauermann and Steffi Geiser Rubin