Essential Hymn Collection
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Compact hymn book for smaller places of worship comprising 250 of the best hymns and songs.
Height: 22.3cm, Width: 15cm, Depth: 1.6cm apx
Abba, Father, let me be
Abide with me
A great and mighty wonder
All creatures of our God and King
Alleluia, alleluia , give thanks to the risen Lord
Alleluia, alleluia, hearts to heaven and voices raise
Alleluia, sing to Jesus
All for Jesus!
All glory, laud and honour
All hail the power of Jesus ' name
All heaven declares
All lance held dear
All my hope on God is founded
All over the world
All people that on earth do dwell
All things bright and beautiful
All you who seek a comfort sure
Amazing grace
And can it be
And did those feet in ancient time
And now, O Father, mindful of the love
A new commandment
Angels from the realms of glory
Angel-voices ever singing
As the deer pants for the water
As we are gathered
As with gladness men of old
At the Lamb's high feast we sing
At the name of Jesus
Awake, my soul , and with the sun
Away in a manger
Be still , for the presence of the Lord
Be still, my soul
Be thou my guard ian and my guide
Be thou my vision
Bind us together, Lord
Blessed assurance
Blest are the pure in heart
Bread of heaven, on thee we feed
Breathe on me, Breath of God
Brightest and best
Bright the vision that delighted
Christians, awake!
Christ is made the sure foundation
Christ is our cornerstone
Christ the Lord is risen again
Christ triumphant
Christ, whose glory fills the skies
City of God, how broad and far
Colours of day
Come down , O Love divine
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Come, let us join our cheerful songs
Come on and celebrate
Come , thou Holy Spirit, come
Come, thou long-expected Jesus
Come, ye faithful , raise the anthem
Come , ye faithful , raise the strain
Come , ye thankful people , come
Crown him with many crowns
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Ding dong , merrily on high!
Disposer supreme
Do not be afraid
Eternal Father, strong to save
Faithful Shepherd , feed me
Father, hear the prayer we offer
Father, I place into your hands
Father of heaven, whose love profound
Father, we adore you
Father, we love you
Fight the good fight
Fill your hearts with joy and gladness
Firmly I believe and truly
For all the saints
For the beauty of the earth
Forty days and forty nights
From heaven you came
Give me joy in my heart
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Glorify your name
Glorious things of thee are spoken
God be in my head
God is love: his the care
God moves in a mysterious way
God of mercy, God of grace
God's Spirit is in my heart
Go forth and tell
Good King Wenceslas
Go, tell everyone
Great is thy faithfulness
Guide me, 0 thou great Redeemer
Hail the day that sees him rise
Hail to the Lord's anointed
Hallelujah, my Father
Hark! a herald voice is calling
Hark , the glad sound!
Hark , the herald-angels sing
He has made me glad
Here I am, Lord
He who would valiant be
Hills of the north, rejoice
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God alm ighty
Hosanna, hosanna
How deep the Father's love for us
How great thou art
How lovely on the mountains
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
I am a new creation
I cannot tell
I danced in the morning
I heard the voice of Jesus say
Immortal, invisible , God only wise
Immortal love, for ever full
In heavenly love abiding
In the bleak mid-winter
It came upon the midnight clear
I, the Lord of sea and sky
It is a thing most wonderful
I will enter his gates
Jerusalem the golden
Jesu, lover of my soul
Jesus calls us: o'er the tumult
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is risen today
Jesus, good above all other
Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaims it
Jesus lives! thy terrors now
Jesus shall reign
Jesu , the very thought of thee
Jubilate, everybody
Just as I am, without one plea
King of glory, King of peace
Knowing you
Lead, kindly light
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Let all the world in every corner sing
let us, with a gladsome mind
Light's abode, celestial Salem
Light up the fire
Living Lord
Lo, he comes with clouds descending
Lord, for the years
Lord Jesus Christ
Lord Jesus, think on me
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of the dance
Lord, the light of your love
Lord, thy word abideth
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love's redeeming work is done
Loving Shepherd of thy sheep
Majesty, worship his majesty
Make me a channel of your peace
Make way, make way
Meekness and majesty
Morning has broken
My God, and is thy table spread
My God, I love thee
My Jesus , my Saviour
My song is love unknown
Nearer, my God, to thee
New every morning is the love
Now thank we all our God
Now the green blade riseth
O Breath of Life
O come , all ye faithful
O come, o come, Emmanuel
O dearest Lord, thy sacred head
O for a closer walk with God
O for a thousand tongues to sing
Of the Father's love begotten
Oft in danger, oft in woe
O God beyond all praising
O happy band of pilgrims
O Jesus , I have promised
O little town of Bethlehem
O Lord, my God
O Love that wilt not let me go
On a hill far away
Once in royal David's city
Once, only once, and once for all
On Christmas night all Christians sing
Once again
One more step along the world I go
On this day, the first of days
O praise ye the Lordi
O sacred head sore wounded
O strength and stay
O thou who camest from above
Our God reigns
O worship the King
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
Peace, perfect peace, is the gift
Praise him
Praise , my soul, the King of heaven
Praise the Lord, ye heavens, adore him
Praise to the Holiest
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Put thou thy trust in God
Rejoice, a land, in God thy might
Rejoice, the Lord is King
Ride on, ride on in majesty
Rock of ages
Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise
See, amid the winter 's snow
See him lying on a bed of straw
Shine, Jesus, shine
Silent night
Sing hosanna
Soldiers of Christ, arise
Songs of thankfulness and praise
Spirit of the living God
Stand up and bless the Lord
Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Such love
Sun of my soul , thou Saviour dear
Take up thy cross, the Saviour said
Teach me, my God and King
Tell out, my soul
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
The Church 's one foundation
The day of resurrection
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The first Nowell
The head that once was crowned with thorns
The King of love my shepherd is
The Lord's my shepherd
The old rugged cross
There is a green hill far away
There is a Redeemer
The Servant King
The Spirit lives to set us free
The strife is o'er, the battle done
The trees of the field
Thine be the glory
Thine for ever! God of love
This is the day
This is your God
This joyful Eastertide
Thou didst leave thy throne
Thou, whose almighty word
Through all the changing scenes of life
Through the night of doubt and sorrow
Thy hand , 0 God, has guided
Thy kingdom come, 0 God
To be in your presence
To God be the glory!
To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise
To the name of our salvation
Unto us a boy is born
Walk in the light
We are marching
We have a gospel to proclaim
We love the place, 0 God
We plough the fields and scatter
We three kings of Orient are
What a friend we have in Jesus
When all thy mercies, 0 my God
When I needed a neighbour
When I survey the wondrous cross
While shepherds watched
Will your anchor hold
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
Ye holy angels bright
Ye servants of God
Ye servants of the Lord
You shall go out with joy
Abba, Father, let me be
Abide with me
A great and mighty wonder
All creatures of our God and King
Alleluia, alleluia , give thanks to the risen Lord
Alleluia, alleluia, hearts to heaven and voices raise
Alleluia, sing to Jesus
All for Jesus!
All glory, laud and honour
All hail the power of Jesus ' name
All heaven declares
All lance held dear
All my hope on God is founded
All over the world
All people that on earth do dwell
All things bright and beautiful
All you who seek a comfort sure
Amazing grace
And can it be
And did those feet in ancient time
And now, O Father, mindful of the love
A new commandment
Angels from the realms of glory
Angel-voices ever singing
As the deer pants for the water
As we are gathered
As with gladness men of old
At the Lamb's high feast we sing
At the name of Jesus
Awake, my soul , and with the sun
Away in a manger
Be still , for the presence of the Lord
Be still, my soul
Be thou my guard ian and my guide
Be thou my vision
Bind us together, Lord
Blessed assurance
Blest are the pure in heart
Bread of heaven, on thee we feed
Breathe on me, Breath of God
Brightest and best
Bright the vision that delighted
Christians, awake!
Christ is made the sure foundation
Christ is our cornerstone
Christ the Lord is risen again
Christ triumphant
Christ, whose glory fills the skies
City of God, how broad and far
Colours of day
Come down , O Love divine
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Come, let us join our cheerful songs
Come on and celebrate
Come , thou Holy Spirit, come
Come, thou long-expected Jesus
Come, ye faithful , raise the anthem
Come , ye faithful , raise the strain
Come , ye thankful people , come
Crown him with many crowns
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Ding dong , merrily on high!
Disposer supreme
Do not be afraid
Eternal Father, strong to save
Faithful Shepherd , feed me
Father, hear the prayer we offer
Father, I place into your hands
Father of heaven, whose love profound
Father, we adore you
Father, we love you
Fight the good fight
Fill your hearts with joy and gladness
Firmly I believe and truly
For all the saints
For the beauty of the earth
Forty days and forty nights
From heaven you came
Give me joy in my heart
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Glorify your name
Glorious things of thee are spoken
God be in my head
God is love: his the care
God moves in a mysterious way
God of mercy, God of grace
God's Spirit is in my heart
Go forth and tell
Good King Wenceslas
Go, tell everyone
Great is thy faithfulness
Guide me, 0 thou great Redeemer
Hail the day that sees him rise
Hail to the Lord's anointed
Hallelujah, my Father
Hark! a herald voice is calling
Hark , the glad sound!
Hark , the herald-angels sing
He has made me glad
Here I am, Lord
He who would valiant be
Hills of the north, rejoice
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God alm ighty
Hosanna, hosanna
How deep the Father's love for us
How great thou art
How lovely on the mountains
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
I am a new creation
I cannot tell
I danced in the morning
I heard the voice of Jesus say
Immortal, invisible , God only wise
Immortal love, for ever full
In heavenly love abiding
In the bleak mid-winter
It came upon the midnight clear
I, the Lord of sea and sky
It is a thing most wonderful
I will enter his gates
Jerusalem the golden
Jesu, lover of my soul
Jesus calls us: o'er the tumult
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is risen today
Jesus, good above all other
Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaims it
Jesus lives! thy terrors now
Jesus shall reign
Jesu , the very thought of thee
Jubilate, everybody
Just as I am, without one plea
King of glory, King of peace
Knowing you
Lead, kindly light
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Let all the world in every corner sing
let us, with a gladsome mind
Light's abode, celestial Salem
Light up the fire
Living Lord
Lo, he comes with clouds descending
Lord, for the years
Lord Jesus Christ
Lord Jesus, think on me
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of the dance
Lord, the light of your love
Lord, thy word abideth
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love's redeeming work is done
Loving Shepherd of thy sheep
Majesty, worship his majesty
Make me a channel of your peace
Make way, make way
Meekness and majesty
Morning has broken
My God, and is thy table spread
My God, I love thee
My Jesus , my Saviour
My song is love unknown
Nearer, my God, to thee
New every morning is the love
Now thank we all our God
Now the green blade riseth
O Breath of Life
O come , all ye faithful
O come, o come, Emmanuel
O dearest Lord, thy sacred head
O for a closer walk with God
O for a thousand tongues to sing
Of the Father's love begotten
Oft in danger, oft in woe
O God beyond all praising
O happy band of pilgrims
O Jesus , I have promised
O little town of Bethlehem
O Lord, my God
O Love that wilt not let me go
On a hill far away
Once in royal David's city
Once, only once, and once for all
On Christmas night all Christians sing
Once again
One more step along the world I go
On this day, the first of days
O praise ye the Lordi
O sacred head sore wounded
O strength and stay
O thou who camest from above
Our God reigns
O worship the King
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
Peace, perfect peace, is the gift
Praise him
Praise , my soul, the King of heaven
Praise the Lord, ye heavens, adore him
Praise to the Holiest
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Put thou thy trust in God
Rejoice, a land, in God thy might
Rejoice, the Lord is King
Ride on, ride on in majesty
Rock of ages
Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise
See, amid the winter 's snow
See him lying on a bed of straw
Shine, Jesus, shine
Silent night
Sing hosanna
Soldiers of Christ, arise
Songs of thankfulness and praise
Spirit of the living God
Stand up and bless the Lord
Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Such love
Sun of my soul , thou Saviour dear
Take up thy cross, the Saviour said
Teach me, my God and King
Tell out, my soul
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
The Church 's one foundation
The day of resurrection
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The first Nowell
The head that once was crowned with thorns
The King of love my shepherd is
The Lord's my shepherd
The old rugged cross
There is a green hill far away
There is a Redeemer
The Servant King
The Spirit lives to set us free
The strife is o'er, the battle done
The trees of the field
Thine be the glory
Thine for ever! God of love
This is the day
This is your God
This joyful Eastertide
Thou didst leave thy throne
Thou, whose almighty word
Through all the changing scenes of life
Through the night of doubt and sorrow
Thy hand , 0 God, has guided
Thy kingdom come, 0 God
To be in your presence
To God be the glory!
To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise
To the name of our salvation
Unto us a boy is born
Walk in the light
We are marching
We have a gospel to proclaim
We love the place, 0 God
We plough the fields and scatter
We three kings of Orient are
What a friend we have in Jesus
When all thy mercies, 0 my God
When I needed a neighbour
When I survey the wondrous cross
While shepherds watched
Will your anchor hold
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
Ye holy angels bright
Ye servants of God
Ye servants of the Lord
You shall go out with joy