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French Collection For Piano Organ & ManualsFrench Collection For Piano Organ & Manuals

French Collection For Piano Organ & Manuals

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Product code: 3612007
French Collection For Piano Organ & Manuals is available from the following distributors:

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This collection contains the best of French organ music written for manuals. It is wide ranging and includes pieces from the baroque to the twentieth century. Many composers are included and they offer a comprehensive choice of style and mood. This is ideal service music that will entrance and uplift your congregation.

These pieces are also suitable for the piano. Many churches now use it as an accompanying instrument and pianists are always looking for attractive music that will add joy and sparkle to Sunday worship. Players will also get much pleasure from performing these pieces for their own private entertainment.

French composers have added much to the general and liturgical repertoire - their elan and conviction is unique. This is music to be appreciated and enjoyed. Performers and listeners will find it an overwhelming delight.


Allegretto moderato Eugène Gigout
Allegro Eugène Gigout
Allegro maestoso Eugène Gigout
Allegro vivace Eugène Gigout
Basse de trompette Jacques Boyvin
Basse de trompette Francois Couperin
Basse de trompette ou de cromorne Louis Marchland
Communion Léon Boëllmann
Communion in A Louis Lefébure-Wely
Communion in G Louis Lefébure-Wely
Deo gratias Francois Couperin
Deo gratias Francois Couperin
Dialogue Louis Marchland
Dimanche de l'Avent Charles-Alexis Chauvet
Élégie César Franck
Élévation Léon Boëllmann
Élévation Léon Boëllmann
Élévation Louis Lefébure-Wely
Entry procession Léon Boëllmann
Entry Procession Léon Boëllmann
Fond d'orgue Guillaume-Gabriel Nivers
Fugue Louis Marchland
Fugue in C minor Jean Jacques Charpentier
Fugue sur la trompette Francois Couperin
Joseph est bien marié Claude-Bémigne Balbastre
Kyrie Alexander Pierre Francois Boëly
Kyrie fugue Alexander Pierre Francois Boëly
Maestro Eugène Gigout
Moderato Eugène Gigout
Noël étranger Louis D'Aquin
Noël suisse (abridged) Louis D'Aquin
Noël sür les flutes (abridged) Louis D'Aquin
Offertoire César Franck
Offertoire Louis Lefébure-Wely
Petit offertoire César Franck
Prière (Introductory voluntary) Théodore Dubois
Sortie Louis Lefébure-Wely
Tambourin sur des Noëls Jean Jacques Charpentier
Trio Jacques Boyvin
Trio Francois Couperin
Trio du troisième ton Nicholas le Bègue
Two versets Louis Marchland
Verset in G Louis Lefébure-Wely

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