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Grand EndingsGrand Endings

Grand Endings

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Product code: 1450165
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Instruments: SATB
The hymn arrangements in Grand Endings are intended for those special occasions and festivals when something particularly splendid is called for. Each consists of a choral setting of the penultimate verse and a short organ introduction to the last verse: this has a special descant marked with a fine choral conclusion. Colin Mawby writes, 'These arrangements should be sung with joy and vigour; choir and organist should uplift the congregation and create that wonderful sense of the memorable and numinous.'

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Abide with me - Eventide
All creatures of our God and King - Lasst uns Erfreuen
All for Jesus! - All for Jesus
All hail the power of Jesus' name - Miles Lane
All people that on earth do dwell - Old Hundredth
All ye who seek a comfort sure - St Bernard
Alleluia, sing to Jesus - Hyfrydol
Angel-voices ever singing - Angel Voices
As with gladness men of old - Dix
At the Lamb's high feast we sing - Salzburg
At the name of Jesus - Evelyns
Be thou my vision - Slane
Blest are the pure in heart - Franconia
Breathe on me, breath of God - Carlisle
Bright the vision that delighted - Laus Deo
Christ is made the sure foundation - Westminster Abbey
Come, let us join our cheerful songs - Nativity
Earth has many a noble city - Stuttgart
Glorious things of thee are spoken - Austria
Glory be to Jesus - Caswall
God of grace and God of glory - Regent Square
Hail the day that sees him rise - Llanfair
Hail to the Lord's anointed - Crüger
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! - Nicaea
Immortal, invisible, God only wise - St Denio
Jesus Christ is risen today - Easter Hymn
Jesus shall reign - Truro
King of glory, King of peace - Gwalchmai
Let us, with a gladsome mind - Monkland
Love divine, all loves excelling - Love Divine
Now thank we all our God - Nun Danket
O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace - Tallis' Ordinal
O praise ye the Lord! - Laudate Dominum (Parry)
O strength and stay - Strength and Stay
O worship the - King Hanover
Praise to the holiest - Richmond
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - Lobe den Herren
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven - Praise, My Soul
Rejoice, the Lord is King - Gopsal
Ride on, ride on in majesty - Winchester New
Teach me, my God and King - Sandys
The day of resurrection - Ellacombe
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended - St Clement
The head that once was crowned with thorns - St Magnus
The Lord is risen indeed - Narenza
The Lord's my shepherd - Crimond
Thine be the glory - accabaeus
Thou, whose almighty word - Moscow
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem - St Fulbert
Ye holy angels bright - Darwall's 148th