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Hymn Preludes For The Church Year Bk 2 - Ordinary TimeHymn Preludes For The Church Year Bk 2 - Ordinary Time

Hymn Preludes For The Church Year Bk 2 - Ordinary Time

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Product code: 1400274
Hymn Preludes For The Church Year Bk 2 - Ordinary Time is available from the following distributors:

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The companion volume to Book 1, this time providing music for the Sundays throughout the year. As before, the 100 preludes have been chosen from our most popular collections.


Abridge - Philip Moore
Adoro te devote - Andrew Moore
All Saints - Andrew Moore
Ar hyd y nos - June Nixon
Aurelia - Andrew Moore
Austria - Andrew Moore
Battle hymn - Richard Lloyd
Be still and know - Andrew Moore
Billing - Malcolm Archer
Blaenwern - Andrew Fletcher
Brother James' Air - Noel Rawsthorne
Caithness - Rosalie Bonighton
Chartres (Angers) - Betty Roe
Converse - Andrew Fletcher
Crimond - Quentin Thomas
Culbach - Jean Bertelot
Cwm Rhondda - Alan Viner
Danny Boy - Andrew Gant
Darwall's 148th - Donald Hunt
Diademata - Barry Ferguson
Dominus Regit - Andrew Gant
Duke Street - Richard Knight
Eisenach - Richard Lloyd
Engelberg - Andrew Moore
Evelyns - Malcolm Archer
Eventide - Andrew Moore
Franconia - Malcolm Archer
Gerontius - William Lloyd Webber
Go tell it on the mountain - Malcolm Archer
Gott des Himmels - Andrew Moore
Gott will's machen - Christopher Tambling
Greensleeves - Noel Rawsthorne
Gwalchmai - Christopher Tambling
Hanover - Adrian Vernon Fish
He's got the whole world in his hands - Colin Hand
Hyfrydol - June Nixon
Irish - Norman Warren
Jerusalem - Adrian Vernon Fish
Kilmarnock - A. E. Floyd
Lasst uns erfreuen - Elizabeth Hill
Laudate Dominum - John Jordan
Laus Deo - Malcolm Archer
Liebster Immanuel - Norman Warren
Lobe den Herren - Alan Viner
London New - Noel Rawsthorne
Love divine - Donald Hunt
Lux benigna - Richard Lloyd
Mannheim - Andrew Fletcher
Melita - Richard Lloyd
Men of Harlech - Stanley Vann
Miles Lane - Colin Hand
Monkland - Malcolm Archer
Montgomery - Richard Proulx
Moscow - Andrew Moore
Narenza - Colin Mawby
Nun danket - Stanley Vann
Ode to joy - Michael Higgins
Orientis partibus - Paul Bryan
Paderborn - Paul Bryan
Pange lingua - Noel Rawsthorne
Petra - A. E. Floyd
Picardy - John Jordan
Ravenshaw - Quentin Thomas
Regent Square - Michael Higgins
Repton - Richard Pantcheff
Rhuddlan - Robert Jones
Richmond - Alan Viner
St Agnes - Andrew Moore
St Anne - Barry Ferguson
St Botolph - Philip Moore
St Clement - Robert Jones
St Columba - Richard Knight
St Denio - Rosalie Bonighton
St Ethelwald - Andrew Moore
St Flavian - June Nixon
St Gertrude - Andrew Moore
St Magnus - Quentin Thomas
St Patrick's Breastplate - Richard Proulx
St Thomas - Colin Mawby
Sandon - Adrian Vernon Fish
Schönster Herr Jesu - Barry Ferguson
Shipston - Andrew Fletcher
Slane - Noel Rawsthorne
Song 1 - Rosalie Bonighton
Song 13 - A. E. Floyd
Song 34 (Angel's Song) - Noel Rawsthorne
Standing in the need of prayer - Betty Roe
Stracathro - William Lloyd Webber
Swing low - Rosalie Bonighton
Tallis' canon - Robert Fielding
Thornbury - Malcolm Archer
Truro - Quentin Thomas
Waltham - Adrian Vernon Fish
Welsh folktune - Robert Jones
Were you there - Andrew Fletcher
Westminster Abbey - Andrew Moore
When the saints go marching in - Andrew Moore
Wiltshire - Richard Knight
Wolvercote - Andrew Moore
Ye banks and braes - Andrew Moore