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Lent Until EasterLent Until Easter

Lent Until Easter

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Product code: 1450161
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Instruments: SATB
This generous collection contains many tried, tested and popular anthems for Lent, Holy Week and Easter.


Be thou my guardian and my guide - David Terry
Comfort, comfort - Bruch
Forty days and forty nights - Harrison Oxley
Lord, I lift my hands to you - Beethoven
Lord, I would serve you - Mahler
O Saviour of the world - Christopher Tambling
Pié Jesu - Malcolm Archer
The Grail prayer - Margaret Rizza
The Lord is my shepherd - Malcolm Archer
!!!Holy Week
An upper room - John Marsh
Ave verum corpus - Colin Mawby
Hosanna to the son of David - Noel Rawsthorne
In an upper room - Chopin
Ingrediente domino - Malcolm
When I survey the wondrous cross - June Nixon
Alleluia! Christ is risen - Stephen Kemp
Christ is risen - Norman Warren
Exsultet: Rejoice, O heavenly powers - Malcolm Archer
Finished the strife of battle now - Andrew Moore
Hallelujah! It is finished! - Rosalie Bonighton
Jesus Christ is risen today - Richard Lloyd
Jesus lives! - Colin Hand
Love's redeeming work is done - Malcolm Archer
Proclaim the story - Charpentier
Sing the life Lloyd - Webber
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem - Malcolm Archer