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Meditations For Manuals

Meditations For Manuals

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Product code: 1400157
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Instruments: Organ, Manuals
Lovely, gentle music for the quiet times in a Service, beautifully crafted and a pleasure to listen to.


A Fancy - Richard Lloyd
A Prayer - Malcolm Archer
Arioso - Noel Rawsthorne
Ballade - Richard Proulx
Basse et Dessus - Martin Setchell
Cantabile - Simon Clark
Domine Clamavi - Philip Moore
Elegy - Peter Irving
Elegy - Andrew Fletcher
Evening Contemplation - Colin Mawby
Invocation to St Ninian - Christopher Tambling
Larghetto - Betty Roe
Meditation - John Marsh
Meditation - James Patten
Meditation on the Blessed Sacrament - Stanley Vann
Melody of Communion - Quentin Thomas
O Salutaris Hostia - June Nixon
Prayer to the Trinity - Andrew Moore
Quiet Air - Norman Warren
Siciliana - Alan Viner
Soliloquy - Malcolm McKelvey
Vocalise - Colin Hand
Vigilate Mecum - Andrew Gant
Walsingham - John Jordan
Wharfside Idyll - Adrian Vernon Fish
When I Consider Your Heavens - Rosalie Bonighton

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