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Mega Instant ArtMega Instant Art

Mega Instant Art

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Product code: 1490362
Packed with exciting and creative images taken from the books of the Bible, Mega Instant Art is an invaluable resource for children's activity times.


1 Chronicles (4 images)
1 Corinthians (3 images)
1 Kings (11 images)
1 Peter (1 image)
1 Samuel (25 images)
2 Kings (14 images)
2 Samuel (4 images)
Acts of the Apostles (35 images)
Amos (1 image)
Colossians (1 image)
Daniel (12 images)
Ecclesiastes (2 images)
Esther (2 images)
Exodus (58 images)
Ezekiel (1 image)
Galatians (4 images)
Genesis (64 images)
Hosea (1 image)
James (1 image)
Jeremiah (9 images)
Job (4 images)
John (51 images)
Jonah (5 images)
Joshua (4 images)
Judges (20 images)
Leviticus (4 images)
Luke (118 images)
Mark (26 images)
Matthew (64 images)
Numbers (1 image)
Philemon (2 images)
Philippians (1 image)
Proverbs (5 images)
Psalms (3 images)
Romans (3 images)
Ruth (4 images)

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