No Music Group? No Problem! - Cd Set 1-3
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If you prefer more modern worship songs, this set is for you. Based on the winning formula of No Organist? No Problem!, it offers 3 x 200 of the most popular worship songs and choruses on 10 CDs. All three No Music Group? No Problem! CD Sets combined to give you three times as much for a great price!
No Music Group? No Problem! 1
Abba, Father, let me be
Ah, Lord God
All hail King Jesus!
All hail the Lamb
All heaven declares
All I once held dear
Amazing love
An army of ordinary people
Ancient of Days
A new commandment
Ascribe greatness
As the deer pants
As we are gathered
At your feet we fall
Be bold, be strong
Be still and know
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Be the centre
Bind us together
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty
Blessing and honour
Break dividing walls
Broken for me
By your side
Celebrate Jesus
Change my heart, O God
Come and see
Come, Lord Jesus
Come, now is the time to worship
Come on and celebrate
Create in me a clean heart
Creation is awaiting
Days of Elijah
Draw near to God
Faithful God
Faithful One
Father God, I wonder
Father in heaven, how we love you
Father, I place into your hands
Father of creation
Father, we adore you
Father, we love you
For I'm building a people of power
For this purpose
For thou, O Lord, art high
Freely, freely
From heaven you came
From the ends of the earth
Give me oil in my lamp
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Glorify your name
God forgave my sin
God is good
God of all comfort
God of glory, we exalt your name
Great is the darkness
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
Hallelujah, hosanna!
Hallelujah, my Father
Hear these praises from a grateful heart
He has made me glad
He has risen
He has showed you, O man, what is good
He is exalted
He is Lord
He is the Lord
Here I am
Here I am, once again
He that is in us is greater
He was pierced
His name is higher than any other
Hold me, Lord
Holiness unto the Lord
Holy and anointed One
Holy Spirit, we welcome you
How deep the Father's love for us
How lovely on the mountains
I am a new creation
I believe in Jesus
I could sing of your love for ever
I delight greatly in the Lord
I give you all the honour
I give you my heart
I just want to praise you
I lift my hands
I live, I live
I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice
I'm accepted, I'm forgiven
In him we live and move
In moments like these
I really want to worship you, my Lord
I sing praises
Isn't he beautiful
I stand before the presence
I stand in awe
It's all about you
I walk by faith
I want to be out of my depth
I will build my church
I will celebrate
I will come and bow down
I will enter his gates
I will offer up my life
I will serve no foreign god
I will sing your praises
I worship you
Jesus, all for Jesus
Jesus, be the centre
Jesus Christ
Jesus, how lovely you are
Jesus is King
Jesus is Lord!
Jesus is our God
Jesus is the name we honour
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, lover of my soul
Jesus, name above all names
Jesus put this song into our hearts
Jesus shall take the highest honour
Jesus, stand among us
Jesus, we celebrate your victory
Jesus, we enthrone you
Jesus, what a beautiful name
Jesus, you are changing me
Jubilate, everybody
King for ever
King of kings
King of kings, majesty
Knowing you
Led like a lamb
Let everything that has breath
Let me have my way among you
Let there be love
Let your glory fall
Like a lamb
Living under the shadow of his wing
Lord, I come to you
Lord, I lift your name on high
Lord most high
Lord, reign in me
Lord, the light of your love
Lord, you are more precious
Lord, you are so precious to me
Lord, you have my heart
Lord, you've been good to me
Love you so much
Make way, make way
May the fragrance
Meekness and majesty
Men of faith
More love, more power
My desire
My Jesus, my Saviour
My lips shall praise you
My Lord, what love is this
No other name
Now unto the King
O give thanks to the Lord
O let the Son of God enfold you
O Lord, our God
O Lord, the clouds are gathering
O Lord, you're beautiful
O Lord, your tenderness
O Lord, you've done great things
Once again
Only by grace
O our Lord and king
Open our eyes, Lord
Our God reigns
Over all the earth
Over the mountains and the sea
Pour out my heart
Power of your love
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise him on the trumpet
Praise the name of Jesus
Purify my heart
Refiner's fire
Reign in me
Restore, O Lord
Restorer of my soul
River, wash over me
Salvation belongs to our God
Seek ye first
Shine, Jesus, shine
Shout to the Lord
Shout to the north
Show your power
Spirit of the Living God (Armstrong)
Spirit of the Living God (Iverson)
Spirit song
Such love
Teach me to dance
Thank you for saving me
The feast is ready
The heart of worship
The King has come
The King is among us
The King of love
The Lord has led forth
The power and the glory
The price is paid
There is a place of commanded blessing
There is a Redeemer
There is none like you
There is power in the name of Jesus
These are the days of Elijah
The Servant King
The steadfast love of the Lord
The trees of the field
The trumpets sound, the angels sing
This grace is mine
This is my desire
This is the day
This is your God
This thankful heart
To be in your presence
To seek your face
Touching heaven, changing earth
Unto the King
Unto you, O Lord
We are here to praise you
We believe
We bow down
We bring the sacrifice of praise
Welcome, King of kings
We want to see Jesus lifted high
We will magnify
We will seek your face
We worship at your feet
What kind of love is this
When I feel the touch
When I look into your holiness
When the music fades
Who can sound the depths
Within the veil
With my whole heart
Wonderful grace
Worthy, O worthy are you, Lord
Worthy, you are worthy
You are beautiful
You are crowned with many crowns
You are my hiding place
You are the King of Glory
You are the Vine
You came from heaven to earth
You laid aside your majesty
You're alive
Your love is amazing
You shall go out with joy
No Music Group? No Problem! CD Set,1490099
No Music Group? No Problem! 2
Above all
Above all else
Alleluia, alleluia, Jesus is the Lord
All I want is to know you, Jesus
All my days
All over the world
All the glory
All things are possible
All who are thirsty
Almighty God
Almighty God, my Redeemer
Amazing grace
Anthem of the free
Arms of love
Ashes to beauty
As high as the heavens
As we seek your face
A touching place
At the foot of the cross
Awake, awake, O Zion
Awaken the dawn
Awesome God
Beautiful Lord, wonderful Saviour
Beautiful One
Beautiful Saviour
Beauty for brokenness
Because of you
Before the throne of God above
Behold his love
Behold the Lord
Beloved and blessed
Be thou my vision
Better is one day
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your name
Breathe on me, Breath of God
Brother, sister, let me serve you
Celebrate in the Lord
Christ above me
Christ be our light!
Christ's is the world
Come down, O Love divine
Come let's lift our praise
Come Lord Jesus
Consider it joy
Consuming Fire
Crown him with many crowns
Dance in your Spirit
Dancing on holy ground
Did you feel the mountains tremble?
Don't let my love grow cold
Do something beautiful
Down the mountain the river flows
Draw me close to you
Eagles' wings
Everlasting God
Faithful are your mercies, Lord
Falling on my knees
Father of life, draw me closer
Filled with compassion
For all the people who live on earth
For all you've done
Free to dance
Friend of sinners
From the rising of the sun
From the squalor of a borrowed stable
From where the sun rises
Give thanks to the Lord
God is good all the time
God is our refuge and our strength
God is our strength and refuge
God of grace
God of the poor
God's righteousness revealed
God's Spirit is in my heart
God will make a way
Good to me
Go peaceful, in gentleness
Greater grace
Great in power
Great is he who's the King of kings
Great is thy faithfulness
Great is your faithfulness
Great love
Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
Hallelujah, hosanna!
Healing love
Heal our nation
Heaven is in my heart
He brought me to his banqueting table
Here I am
Here I am, Lord
Here I am to worship
Here I am waiting
Here is bread, here is wine
Here is love, vast as the ocean
Here is the risen Son
Here we stand in total surrender
Hide me now
His banner over me
Holiness, holiness
Holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
How great thou art
How lovely is your dwelling-place
Humble King
Hungry, I come to you
I bind unto myself today
I cry out for your hand
I danced in the morning
I give you thanks
I have heard so many songs
I lift my eyes to the quiet hills
I lift my eyes up to the mountains
I'm giving you my heart
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
I'm special
I'm trading my sorrows
In Christ alone
Increase in me
In the beauty of holiness
I sing a simple song of love
Isn't he beautiful
I stand complete in you
I surrender
I, the Lord of sea and sky
It is good
It is well with my soul
It is you
It's rising up
I will dance, I will sing
I will live to declare your glory
I will seek your face, O Lord
I will sing the wondrous story
I will worship
Jesus Christ is risen today
Jesus Christ is waiting
Jesus, friend for ever
Jesus, God's righteousness revealed
Jesus is Lord!
Jesus, my passion is life
Jesus, remember me
Jesus, we have heard your Spirit
Keep me near the cross
Lamp unto my feet
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Let my words be few
Let the flame burn brighter
Let the peace of God reign
Let your living water flow
Lift our praise
Light of the world
Light the fire again
Like a candle flame
Living Lord
Living Water
Lo, he comes with clouds ascending
Long ago, prophets knew
Longing for light
Lord, Jesus Christ
Lord of the dance
Lord, we long for you
Lord, we long to see your glory
Lost in wonder
Make me a channel of your peace
Mallaig Sprinkling Song
May the words of my mouth
More like you
More than oxygen
My heart is full
My heart will sing to you
My Saviour, Redeemer
Name above all names
No eye has seen
Not by words and not by deeds
Nothing is as wonderful
Nothing shall separate us
O for a thousand tongues to sing
O God, you search me
O, heaven is in my heart
Oh, kneel me down again
Oh taste and see
O, I could sing unending songs
O Lord, hear my prayer
O Lord, my God
One Lord, one faith
One thing I ask
Only God for me
Open the eyes of my heart
O Sacred King
Our confidence is in the Lord
Our Father
Our God is an awesome God
Our God reigns
Outrageous grace
O worship the King
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
Peace, perfect peace
Peace to you
Pour over me
Praise him, you heavens
Praise the Lord from the heavens
Psalm 121
Psalm 148
Put peace into each other's hands
Resurrection hymn
Rock of ages
Seeing you
See, what a morning
Send revival
Shout for joy
Sing a song of celebration
Sing of the Lord's goodness
Sing to the Lord
Spirit of God
Spirit of the Lord
Take my life
Take us to the river
Taste and see
Tell out, my soul
The candle song
The crucible for silver
The Father's Song
The happy song
The Lord is gracious and compassionate
The Lord's my shepherd
The Potter's hand
There is a day
There is a hope so sure
There must be more
There's a lot of pain
There's a place where the streets shine
The river is here
The Servant Song
The Spirit lives to set us free
The Spirit of the Lord
The Spirit of the sovereign Lord
The Summons
The voice of hope
The wonder of your cross
The world is looking for a hero
Thine be the glory
This is a time
This is the air I breathe
This is the anthem of the free
This kingdom
This song in my heart
Though trials will come
Thy word
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
To God be the glory!
To the King eternal
Touching heaven, changing earth
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul
Trading my sorrows
We are a shining light
We are marching in the light of God
We declare your majesty
We'll walk the land
We're looking to your promise of old
We will dance
We will run and not grow weary
We will seek your face
We will wait
We worship and adore you
What a friend I've found
What love is this
When I needed a neighbour
When I survey the wondrous cross
When peace like a river
Where you lead us
Who compares to your matchless beauty?
Who is there like you?
Will you come and follow me
Wonderful, so wonderful
Worshipping the living God
Yesterday, today, forever
You alone are worthy of my praise
You are God in heaven
You are mighty
You are the Holy One
You are the sovereign ‘I Am'
You chose the cross
You have shown me
You led me to the cross
You opened up my eyes
Your love
Your name is holy
No Music Group? No Problem! 3
A thousand times I've failed
All creation cries to you
All glory to the king of ages
All I have and all I am
All to Jesus I surrender
Alleluia, alleluia, for the Lord God almight
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the rise
Amazing Grace!
Amazing love
And can it be
And he shall reign
And I'm forgiven
As for me and my house
As sure as gold is precious
As we come today
At this time of giving
Be lifted up
Behold the lamb
Beneath the cross
Can a nation be changed
Can I ascend
Christ is alive, let Christians sing
Christ triumphant, ever reigning
Church of God, elect and glorious
Come, let us worship (Fellingham)
Come people of the risen King
Darkness like a shroud
Do not be afraid
Don't build your house
El Shaddai
Even though I walk
Everyone needs compassion
Facing a task unfinished
Far and near
Fill your hearts with joy
For God so loved the world
For the fruits of his creation
For the healing of the nations
For the joys and for the sorrows
From the breaking of the dawn
From the highest of heights
From the sun's rising
Give me a heart of compassion
Go forth and tell
Go, tell it on the mountain
God has spoken by the prophets
God in my living
God is love- let heaven adore him
God of grace
God of justice
God sent his son
God who made the universe
Good news
Great great brill brill
Great is your faithfulness
Great is your faithfulness, O God
Hallelujah, for the Lord our God
Halleujah, hallelujah
He that is in us
Hear the call of the kingdom
Here I am
His name is wonderful
Holy, holy, God almighty
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty
Holy Spirit, rain down
How can I be free from sin
How wonderful, how glorious
I am chosen
I can only imagine
I hear the sound of rustling
I know he rescued my soul
I know who holds the future
I lay my life down
I reach up high
I serve a risen saviour
I want to serve the purpose
I will bless the Lord forever
I will worship
I worship you, O Lamb of God
If I were a butterfly
I'm gonna jump up and down
I'm gonna trust in God
In all I do
In every day that dawns
In heavenly armour
In my life, Lord
In the name of the Father
In the secret
In the tomb so cold
Into your hands
Is it true today
It's your blood
Jesus calls us here to meet hi
Jesus, hope of the nations
Jesus, lover of my soul (Ezzy)
Jesus my King
Jesus, take me as I am
Jesus, you alone
Joy has dawned
King of the ages
Let the weak say 'I am strong'
Let there be joy
Lift high the cross (8 verses)
Lift up your heads
Looking in the sky
Lord, how majastic you are
Lord, let your glory fall
Lord of all creation
Lord of Lords, King of Kings
Lord of the Church
Lord you were rich
Love songs from heaven
My first love
My God is so big
My heart is filled
My life is in you, Lord
No eye has seen
No one but you, Lord
Now the green blade riseth
O Church, arise
O father of the fatherless
O God, beyond all praising
O God of burning
O God of love
O Lord, all the world belongs
O my soul
O perfect love
O soul, are you weary
Oh Lord, you've searched me
Oh, the mercy of God
Oh, to see the dawn
On a hill far away
One more step along the world
Overwhelmed by love
Praise is rising
Safe in the shadow of the Lord
See his love
Show your power, O Lord
Sing to God new songs of worship
So freely
Soften my heart, Lord
Soon and very soon
Speak, O Lord
Spirit of holiness
Thank you for the blood
Thank you for the cross
Thank you for the cross, Lord
Thanks you Jesus for your love
Thank you, Lord
The earth is the Lord's
The greatest day in history
The greatest thing
There is a higher throne
There is a voice
There is an endless song
There is love that came for us
There's a quiet understanding
There's a sound on the wind
There's a spirit in the air
Think of a world
This child
This earth belongs to God
To him we come
To the river
Today I choose to follow you
Wake every heart
We are a moment
We bow our hearts
We come as guests invited
We fall down
We have sung our songs
We really want to thank you Lord
We shall stand
We stand and lift up our hands
Welcomed into the courts of the King
What good is it
When all around is fading
When I call on your name
When I survey (Tomlin)
When I was lost
Who am I, that you are mindful of me
Who can know the mind of our creator
Who paints the skies
Who put the colours in the rainbow
Who's the King of the jungle
With a prayer
You are holy
You are my anchor
You are my strength
You are the Lord, the famous one
You did not wait for me
You give rest
You stood before creation
Your blood speaks a better word
Your grace is enough
Your mercy taught us
You're the God of this city
You're the Lion of Judah
You're the word of God the Father
Abba, Father, let me be
Ah, Lord God
All hail King Jesus!
All hail the Lamb
All heaven declares
All I once held dear
Amazing love
An army of ordinary people
Ancient of Days
A new commandment
Ascribe greatness
As the deer pants
As we are gathered
At your feet we fall
Be bold, be strong
Be still and know
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Be the centre
Bind us together
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty
Blessing and honour
Break dividing walls
Broken for me
By your side
Celebrate Jesus
Change my heart, O God
Come and see
Come, Lord Jesus
Come, now is the time to worship
Come on and celebrate
Create in me a clean heart
Creation is awaiting
Days of Elijah
Draw near to God
Faithful God
Faithful One
Father God, I wonder
Father in heaven, how we love you
Father, I place into your hands
Father of creation
Father, we adore you
Father, we love you
For I'm building a people of power
For this purpose
For thou, O Lord, art high
Freely, freely
From heaven you came
From the ends of the earth
Give me oil in my lamp
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Glorify your name
God forgave my sin
God is good
God of all comfort
God of glory, we exalt your name
Great is the darkness
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
Hallelujah, hosanna!
Hallelujah, my Father
Hear these praises from a grateful heart
He has made me glad
He has risen
He has showed you, O man, what is good
He is exalted
He is Lord
He is the Lord
Here I am
Here I am, once again
He that is in us is greater
He was pierced
His name is higher than any other
Hold me, Lord
Holiness unto the Lord
Holy and anointed One
Holy Spirit, we welcome you
How deep the Father's love for us
How lovely on the mountains
I am a new creation
I believe in Jesus
I could sing of your love for ever
I delight greatly in the Lord
I give you all the honour
I give you my heart
I just want to praise you
I lift my hands
I live, I live
I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice
I'm accepted, I'm forgiven
In him we live and move
In moments like these
I really want to worship you, my Lord
I sing praises
Isn't he beautiful
I stand before the presence
I stand in awe
It's all about you
I walk by faith
I want to be out of my depth
I will build my church
I will celebrate
I will come and bow down
I will enter his gates
I will offer up my life
I will serve no foreign god
I will sing your praises
I worship you
Jesus, all for Jesus
Jesus, be the centre
Jesus Christ
Jesus, how lovely you are
Jesus is King
Jesus is Lord!
Jesus is our God
Jesus is the name we honour
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, lover of my soul
Jesus, name above all names
Jesus put this song into our hearts
Jesus shall take the highest honour
Jesus, stand among us
Jesus, we celebrate your victory
Jesus, we enthrone you
Jesus, what a beautiful name
Jesus, you are changing me
Jubilate, everybody
King for ever
King of kings
King of kings, majesty
Knowing you
Led like a lamb
Let everything that has breath
Let me have my way among you
Let there be love
Let your glory fall
Like a lamb
Living under the shadow of his wing
Lord, I come to you
Lord, I lift your name on high
Lord most high
Lord, reign in me
Lord, the light of your love
Lord, you are more precious
Lord, you are so precious to me
Lord, you have my heart
Lord, you've been good to me
Love you so much
Make way, make way
May the fragrance
Meekness and majesty
Men of faith
More love, more power
My desire
My Jesus, my Saviour
My lips shall praise you
My Lord, what love is this
No other name
Now unto the King
O give thanks to the Lord
O let the Son of God enfold you
O Lord, our God
O Lord, the clouds are gathering
O Lord, you're beautiful
O Lord, your tenderness
O Lord, you've done great things
Once again
Only by grace
O our Lord and king
Open our eyes, Lord
Our God reigns
Over all the earth
Over the mountains and the sea
Pour out my heart
Power of your love
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise him on the trumpet
Praise the name of Jesus
Purify my heart
Refiner's fire
Reign in me
Restore, O Lord
Restorer of my soul
River, wash over me
Salvation belongs to our God
Seek ye first
Shine, Jesus, shine
Shout to the Lord
Shout to the north
Show your power
Spirit of the Living God (Armstrong)
Spirit of the Living God (Iverson)
Spirit song
Such love
Teach me to dance
Thank you for saving me
The feast is ready
The heart of worship
The King has come
The King is among us
The King of love
The Lord has led forth
The power and the glory
The price is paid
There is a place of commanded blessing
There is a Redeemer
There is none like you
There is power in the name of Jesus
These are the days of Elijah
The Servant King
The steadfast love of the Lord
The trees of the field
The trumpets sound, the angels sing
This grace is mine
This is my desire
This is the day
This is your God
This thankful heart
To be in your presence
To seek your face
Touching heaven, changing earth
Unto the King
Unto you, O Lord
We are here to praise you
We believe
We bow down
We bring the sacrifice of praise
Welcome, King of kings
We want to see Jesus lifted high
We will magnify
We will seek your face
We worship at your feet
What kind of love is this
When I feel the touch
When I look into your holiness
When the music fades
Who can sound the depths
Within the veil
With my whole heart
Wonderful grace
Worthy, O worthy are you, Lord
Worthy, you are worthy
You are beautiful
You are crowned with many crowns
You are my hiding place
You are the King of Glory
You are the Vine
You came from heaven to earth
You laid aside your majesty
You're alive
Your love is amazing
You shall go out with joy
No Music Group? No Problem! CD Set,1490099
No Music Group? No Problem! 2
Above all
Above all else
Alleluia, alleluia, Jesus is the Lord
All I want is to know you, Jesus
All my days
All over the world
All the glory
All things are possible
All who are thirsty
Almighty God
Almighty God, my Redeemer
Amazing grace
Anthem of the free
Arms of love
Ashes to beauty
As high as the heavens
As we seek your face
A touching place
At the foot of the cross
Awake, awake, O Zion
Awaken the dawn
Awesome God
Beautiful Lord, wonderful Saviour
Beautiful One
Beautiful Saviour
Beauty for brokenness
Because of you
Before the throne of God above
Behold his love
Behold the Lord
Beloved and blessed
Be thou my vision
Better is one day
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your name
Breathe on me, Breath of God
Brother, sister, let me serve you
Celebrate in the Lord
Christ above me
Christ be our light!
Christ's is the world
Come down, O Love divine
Come let's lift our praise
Come Lord Jesus
Consider it joy
Consuming Fire
Crown him with many crowns
Dance in your Spirit
Dancing on holy ground
Did you feel the mountains tremble?
Don't let my love grow cold
Do something beautiful
Down the mountain the river flows
Draw me close to you
Eagles' wings
Everlasting God
Faithful are your mercies, Lord
Falling on my knees
Father of life, draw me closer
Filled with compassion
For all the people who live on earth
For all you've done
Free to dance
Friend of sinners
From the rising of the sun
From the squalor of a borrowed stable
From where the sun rises
Give thanks to the Lord
God is good all the time
God is our refuge and our strength
God is our strength and refuge
God of grace
God of the poor
God's righteousness revealed
God's Spirit is in my heart
God will make a way
Good to me
Go peaceful, in gentleness
Greater grace
Great in power
Great is he who's the King of kings
Great is thy faithfulness
Great is your faithfulness
Great love
Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
Hallelujah, hosanna!
Healing love
Heal our nation
Heaven is in my heart
He brought me to his banqueting table
Here I am
Here I am, Lord
Here I am to worship
Here I am waiting
Here is bread, here is wine
Here is love, vast as the ocean
Here is the risen Son
Here we stand in total surrender
Hide me now
His banner over me
Holiness, holiness
Holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
How great thou art
How lovely is your dwelling-place
Humble King
Hungry, I come to you
I bind unto myself today
I cry out for your hand
I danced in the morning
I give you thanks
I have heard so many songs
I lift my eyes to the quiet hills
I lift my eyes up to the mountains
I'm giving you my heart
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
I'm special
I'm trading my sorrows
In Christ alone
Increase in me
In the beauty of holiness
I sing a simple song of love
Isn't he beautiful
I stand complete in you
I surrender
I, the Lord of sea and sky
It is good
It is well with my soul
It is you
It's rising up
I will dance, I will sing
I will live to declare your glory
I will seek your face, O Lord
I will sing the wondrous story
I will worship
Jesus Christ is risen today
Jesus Christ is waiting
Jesus, friend for ever
Jesus, God's righteousness revealed
Jesus is Lord!
Jesus, my passion is life
Jesus, remember me
Jesus, we have heard your Spirit
Keep me near the cross
Lamp unto my feet
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Let my words be few
Let the flame burn brighter
Let the peace of God reign
Let your living water flow
Lift our praise
Light of the world
Light the fire again
Like a candle flame
Living Lord
Living Water
Lo, he comes with clouds ascending
Long ago, prophets knew
Longing for light
Lord, Jesus Christ
Lord of the dance
Lord, we long for you
Lord, we long to see your glory
Lost in wonder
Make me a channel of your peace
Mallaig Sprinkling Song
May the words of my mouth
More like you
More than oxygen
My heart is full
My heart will sing to you
My Saviour, Redeemer
Name above all names
No eye has seen
Not by words and not by deeds
Nothing is as wonderful
Nothing shall separate us
O for a thousand tongues to sing
O God, you search me
O, heaven is in my heart
Oh, kneel me down again
Oh taste and see
O, I could sing unending songs
O Lord, hear my prayer
O Lord, my God
One Lord, one faith
One thing I ask
Only God for me
Open the eyes of my heart
O Sacred King
Our confidence is in the Lord
Our Father
Our God is an awesome God
Our God reigns
Outrageous grace
O worship the King
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
Peace, perfect peace
Peace to you
Pour over me
Praise him, you heavens
Praise the Lord from the heavens
Psalm 121
Psalm 148
Put peace into each other's hands
Resurrection hymn
Rock of ages
Seeing you
See, what a morning
Send revival
Shout for joy
Sing a song of celebration
Sing of the Lord's goodness
Sing to the Lord
Spirit of God
Spirit of the Lord
Take my life
Take us to the river
Taste and see
Tell out, my soul
The candle song
The crucible for silver
The Father's Song
The happy song
The Lord is gracious and compassionate
The Lord's my shepherd
The Potter's hand
There is a day
There is a hope so sure
There must be more
There's a lot of pain
There's a place where the streets shine
The river is here
The Servant Song
The Spirit lives to set us free
The Spirit of the Lord
The Spirit of the sovereign Lord
The Summons
The voice of hope
The wonder of your cross
The world is looking for a hero
Thine be the glory
This is a time
This is the air I breathe
This is the anthem of the free
This kingdom
This song in my heart
Though trials will come
Thy word
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
To God be the glory!
To the King eternal
Touching heaven, changing earth
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul
Trading my sorrows
We are a shining light
We are marching in the light of God
We declare your majesty
We'll walk the land
We're looking to your promise of old
We will dance
We will run and not grow weary
We will seek your face
We will wait
We worship and adore you
What a friend I've found
What love is this
When I needed a neighbour
When I survey the wondrous cross
When peace like a river
Where you lead us
Who compares to your matchless beauty?
Who is there like you?
Will you come and follow me
Wonderful, so wonderful
Worshipping the living God
Yesterday, today, forever
You alone are worthy of my praise
You are God in heaven
You are mighty
You are the Holy One
You are the sovereign ‘I Am'
You chose the cross
You have shown me
You led me to the cross
You opened up my eyes
Your love
Your name is holy
No Music Group? No Problem! 3
A thousand times I've failed
All creation cries to you
All glory to the king of ages
All I have and all I am
All to Jesus I surrender
Alleluia, alleluia, for the Lord God almight
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the rise
Amazing Grace!
Amazing love
And can it be
And he shall reign
And I'm forgiven
As for me and my house
As sure as gold is precious
As we come today
At this time of giving
Be lifted up
Behold the lamb
Beneath the cross
Can a nation be changed
Can I ascend
Christ is alive, let Christians sing
Christ triumphant, ever reigning
Church of God, elect and glorious
Come, let us worship (Fellingham)
Come people of the risen King
Darkness like a shroud
Do not be afraid
Don't build your house
El Shaddai
Even though I walk
Everyone needs compassion
Facing a task unfinished
Far and near
Fill your hearts with joy
For God so loved the world
For the fruits of his creation
For the healing of the nations
For the joys and for the sorrows
From the breaking of the dawn
From the highest of heights
From the sun's rising
Give me a heart of compassion
Go forth and tell
Go, tell it on the mountain
God has spoken by the prophets
God in my living
God is love- let heaven adore him
God of grace
God of justice
God sent his son
God who made the universe
Good news
Great great brill brill
Great is your faithfulness
Great is your faithfulness, O God
Hallelujah, for the Lord our God
Halleujah, hallelujah
He that is in us
Hear the call of the kingdom
Here I am
His name is wonderful
Holy, holy, God almighty
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty
Holy Spirit, rain down
How can I be free from sin
How wonderful, how glorious
I am chosen
I can only imagine
I hear the sound of rustling
I know he rescued my soul
I know who holds the future
I lay my life down
I reach up high
I serve a risen saviour
I want to serve the purpose
I will bless the Lord forever
I will worship
I worship you, O Lamb of God
If I were a butterfly
I'm gonna jump up and down
I'm gonna trust in God
In all I do
In every day that dawns
In heavenly armour
In my life, Lord
In the name of the Father
In the secret
In the tomb so cold
Into your hands
Is it true today
It's your blood
Jesus calls us here to meet hi
Jesus, hope of the nations
Jesus, lover of my soul (Ezzy)
Jesus my King
Jesus, take me as I am
Jesus, you alone
Joy has dawned
King of the ages
Let the weak say 'I am strong'
Let there be joy
Lift high the cross (8 verses)
Lift up your heads
Looking in the sky
Lord, how majastic you are
Lord, let your glory fall
Lord of all creation
Lord of Lords, King of Kings
Lord of the Church
Lord you were rich
Love songs from heaven
My first love
My God is so big
My heart is filled
My life is in you, Lord
No eye has seen
No one but you, Lord
Now the green blade riseth
O Church, arise
O father of the fatherless
O God, beyond all praising
O God of burning
O God of love
O Lord, all the world belongs
O my soul
O perfect love
O soul, are you weary
Oh Lord, you've searched me
Oh, the mercy of God
Oh, to see the dawn
On a hill far away
One more step along the world
Overwhelmed by love
Praise is rising
Safe in the shadow of the Lord
See his love
Show your power, O Lord
Sing to God new songs of worship
So freely
Soften my heart, Lord
Soon and very soon
Speak, O Lord
Spirit of holiness
Thank you for the blood
Thank you for the cross
Thank you for the cross, Lord
Thanks you Jesus for your love
Thank you, Lord
The earth is the Lord's
The greatest day in history
The greatest thing
There is a higher throne
There is a voice
There is an endless song
There is love that came for us
There's a quiet understanding
There's a sound on the wind
There's a spirit in the air
Think of a world
This child
This earth belongs to God
To him we come
To the river
Today I choose to follow you
Wake every heart
We are a moment
We bow our hearts
We come as guests invited
We fall down
We have sung our songs
We really want to thank you Lord
We shall stand
We stand and lift up our hands
Welcomed into the courts of the King
What good is it
When all around is fading
When I call on your name
When I survey (Tomlin)
When I was lost
Who am I, that you are mindful of me
Who can know the mind of our creator
Who paints the skies
Who put the colours in the rainbow
Who's the King of the jungle
With a prayer
You are holy
You are my anchor
You are my strength
You are the Lord, the famous one
You did not wait for me
You give rest
You stood before creation
Your blood speaks a better word
Your grace is enough
Your mercy taught us
You're the God of this city
You're the Lion of Judah
You're the word of God the Father