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No Organist? No Problem! 2

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Product code: 1490159
Contains 200 of the most popular hymns, worship songs and Christmas carols on 10 CDs. The set features quality organ accompaniment for traditional hymns and music group accompaniment for worship songs.


Abba, Father, let me be
A brighter dawn is breaking
Ah, holy Jesu, how hast thou offended
All hail the Lamb
All hail the power of Jesus' name
All heaven declares
All I once held dear
All over the world
All praise to our redeeming Lord
All that I am
And can it be
And did those feet in ancient time
A new commandment
An upper room did our Lord prepare
Around the throne of God
As pants the hart for cooling streams
As we are gathered
A touching place
At the cross she keeps her station
Awake, awake: fling off the night
Beloved, let us love
Beneath the cross of Jesus
Be still and know that I am God
Blessed assurance
Blest Creator of the light
Bread is blessed and broken
Bread of the world in mercy broken
Bridegroom and bride
Brother, sister, let me serve you
Christ is the world's Light
Christ's is the world
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Come, let us sing
Come, let us use the grace divine
Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life
Creator of the starry height
Earth has many a noble city
Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round
Father, I place into your hands
Father, Lord of all creation
Father most holy, merciful and loving
Father, we adore you
Father, who in Jesus found us
Filled with the Spirit's power
Fill your hearts with joy and gladness
Follow me
For all your saints still active
Forgive our sins as we forgive
For Mary, mother of our Lord
For the fruits of his creation
For the healing of the nations
Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go
From many grains
From the very depths of darkness
Gather around, for the table is spread
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give to our God immortal praise
Glory be to Jesus
Glory to thee, my
God, this night
God has spoken - by the prophets
God, in the planning
God is love: his the care
God is love: let heaven adore him
God is working his purpose out
God on earth
God save our gracious Queen
God that madest earth and heaven
God, whose farm is all creation
God, whose love is all around us
Go forth and tell
Go forward, people of God today
Going home
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
Great is thy faithfulness
Great love
Happy are they, they that love God
Hark, my soul, it is the Lord
Heaven shall not wait
Help us to help each other, Lord
Here in this place
Here, O my Lord
Holy Spirit, hear us
Holy Spirit, truth divine
I am the bread of life
I bind unto myself today
I cannot tell
I come with joy
I heard the voice of Jesus say
I'm not ashamed to own my Lord
In Christ there is no east or west
I need thee every hour
In full and glad surrender
In the Cross of Christ I glory
Jesu, grant me this, I pray
Jesus bids us shine
Jesus, good above all other
Jesus, Prince and Saviour
Jesus, stand among us
Jesus, stand among us in thy risen power
Jesu, the very thought of thee
Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts
Jubilate, everybody
Judge eternal, throned in splendour
Just a closer walk with thee
Just as I am, without one plea
Lead, kindly light (two tunes)
Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Let saints on earth in concert sing
Let there be love shared
Let us talents and tongues employ
Like a mighty river flowing
Longing for light
Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour
Lord of our life, and God of our salvation
Lord, teach us how to pray aright
Lord, when I turn my back on you
Love is his word
Low in the grave he lay
Majesty, worship his majesty
Mallaig Sprinkling Song
Man of sorrows
May the grace of Christ our Saviour
May the mind of Christ my Saviour
Mine eyes have seen the glory
My desire
My faith looks up to thee
My God, how wonderful you are
My God, I love thee
My heart will sing to you
My Jesus, my Saviour
Nearer, my God, to thee
New songs of celebration render
Now let us from this table rise
Now, my tongue, the mystery telling (2 tunes)
Now thank we all our God
O for a closer walk with God
O for a heart to praise my God
O God beyond all praising
O God of Bethel, by whose hand
O God of earth and altar
O God, unseen but ever near
O happy day
O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace
O Jesus, I have promised
O Lord, all the world belongs
O Lord, your tenderness
O love, how deep, how broad, how high
O my Saviour, lifted from the earth
On a hill far away
One more step along the world I go
Onward, Christian pilgrims
Open our eyes, Lord
O perfect love
O thou, who at thy Eucharist didst pray
Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed
Our Father
Peace is flowing like a river
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin
Praise to the Holiest
Put peace into each other's hands
Rejoice in the Lord always
Rock of ages
Seek ye first
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle (2 tunes)
Sing of the Lord's goodness
Sing to God new songs of worship
Sing we of the blesséd Mother
Sing we to God our Father
Soul of my Saviour
Spirit of God
Such love
Sun of my soul, thou
Saviour dear
Take me, Lord
Take my life, and let it be
Thanks for the fellowship
Thanks to God, whose word was spoken
The Church of God a kingdom is
The God of Abraham praise
The God of love my shepherd is
The King is among us
The King of love my shepherd is
The race that long in darkness pined
There are hundreds of sparrows
There's a quiet understanding
There's a wideness in God's mercy
The royal banners forward go
The servant song
The Spirit lives to set us free
The Summons
Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old
Think of a world without any flowers
This is my body
This is the day
This is the day the Lord has made
Thou art the Way: by thee alone
Thou pilgrim strangers here below
Through all the changing scenes of life
Thy kingdom come!
Thy way, not mine, O Lord
To be in your presence
Virgin-born, we bow before thee
Waken, O sleeper, wake and rise
Wake, O wake! with tidings thrilling
Walk in the light
We are marching
We cannot measure
We hail thy presence glorious
We sing the praise of him who died
We will lay our burdens down
What a wonderful change
When a knight won his spurs
When God almighty came to earth
When I feel the touch
When I needed a neighbour
When morning gilds the skies
When we walk with the Lord
Who is this so weak and helpless
Will you come and follow me
Will your anchor hold
Ye who own the faith of Jesus
You shall go out with joy
Born in the night, Mary's child
God rest you merry, gentlefolk
Good Christians all, rejoice
Go, tell it on the mountain
Infant holy, infant lowly
It's rounded like an orange
Joy to the world!
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep
Long ago, prophets knew
Love came down at Christmas
Mary had a baby
O little one sweet, O little one mild
See him lying on a bed of straw
The holly and the ivy
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy
What child is this
When our God came to earth


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