No Praise Music for Kids? No Problem!
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Words to 150 of the best praise songs for children by Monica Brown, Bernadette Farrell, John Hardwick, Doug Horley, Ishmael, Mark and Helen Johnson, and Capt. Alan Price.
A band of angels
Abba, Father, let me be
All over the world
All the things that I can do
All things bright and beautiful
A new commandment
Anytime, anywhere
Arky, arky song
As for me and my house
A wiggly, waggly worm
Be bold, be strong
Best friend
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Be strong and courageous
Be the centre of my life
Bind us together, Lord
Caterpillar, caterpillar
C.L.A.P., clap my hands
Close to you
Colours of day
Come on and celebrate!
Count your blessings
Dance in your Spirit
Do not be terrified
Don't build your house
Enable your servants
Faith as small as a mustard seed
Father God, you love me
Father, I place into your hands
Follow me
For God so loved the world
For I'm building a people of power
From heav'n you came
From the tiny ant
From when the sun rises
Gifts of bread and wine
Give me a heart of compassion
Give me joy in my heart
Give thanks with a grateful heart
God is good, God is great
God's greatest gift
God's not dead
God's people
God loves me, whoopah, wahey!
God, you can use me
God, you're good to me
Goliath was big and Goliath was strong
Go wandering in the sun
Hands, hands, fingers, thumbs
Harvest Hymn
Have we made our God too small?
Have you heard the raindrops?
Have you heard?
He has risen
Here I am, Lord
Hello everybody!
He's got the whole world in his hand
Holy Hokey
I am fearfully and wonderfully made
I danced in the morning
If I were a butterfly
If you're feeling sad
If you want to know why
I have a friend
I love the sun
I love to be with you, Jesus
I'm accepted, I'm forgiven
I may live in a great big city
I'm black, I'm white, I'm short, I'm tall
I'm so small
I'm special
I once was frightened of spiders
I reach up high
I, the Lord of sea and sky
I want to be salt for Jesus
I watch the sunrise
I will make you fishers of men
I will offer up my life
I won't wander off
Jesus Christ was born as a baby
Jesus is greater
Jesus is here
Jesus' love is very wonderful
Jesus loves me
Jesus never, never, never
Jesus put this song into our hearts
Jesus, reign in me
Jesus went out of his way
Jesus, your name is wonderful
Jubilate, everybody
Kum ba yah
Let the little children
Light up the fire
Living Lord
Long before the summer started
Lord Jesus Christ
Lord of the Dance
Lord of the Harvest
Lord, the light of your love
Lord, you are
Lord, you forgive
Lord, you put a tongue in my mouth
Love, love, Jesus is love
Make me a channel of your peace
Man looks on the outside
May your life in this world
Mister Cow
More precious than silver
Morning has broken
My God is so big
Nobody's a nobody
Now I know
Oh! Oh! Oh! How good is the Lord
Oh, once there was a father
O how wide and long
One more step along the world I go
Our Father
Our God is a great big God
Our God is so great
Peace is flowing like a river
Peace, perfect peace, is the gift
Prayer is like a telephone
Prayer phone
Prodigal Son
Psalm 104
Push, little seed
Right where we are
Rise and shine
Sandy land
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
Shalom, my friend
Share the Light
Shine, Jesus, shine
Sing a song, sing a joyful song
Sometimes I feel afraid
Teach me to dance
Thank you, Lord
The butterfly song
The Lord's Prayer
The peace of God
The Prayer of St Francis
There are lots of ways that I can praise
There's a time
The Servant King
The Spirit lives to set us free
The wiggly waggly song
The wise man built his house upon the rock
Think of a world without any flowers
This is my body
This thankful heart
Those who put their hope in the Lord
To be with you
Trust in God
Trust in the Lord
Wake up, my body
Walk in the light
Water of life
We're a bright light together
We really want to thank you, Lord
We're going to praise the Lord
We want to see Jesus lifted high
What's the surprise?
When I am hurt
When I needed a neighbour
When I think about the cross
Whether you're one
Who made the twinkling stars?
Who put the colours in the rainbow?
Who spoke words of wisdom and life?
Who's the king of the jungle?
Wiggle your fingers
With Jesus in the boat
You are the best
You are the Light of the world
You are wonderful
You have called us by your name
You lift your left arm high
You never put a light under a dirty old bucket
You ride on the wings of the wind
You shall go out with joy
You've gotta be fit
Abba, Father, let me be
All over the world
All the things that I can do
All things bright and beautiful
A new commandment
Anytime, anywhere
Arky, arky song
As for me and my house
A wiggly, waggly worm
Be bold, be strong
Best friend
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Be strong and courageous
Be the centre of my life
Bind us together, Lord
Caterpillar, caterpillar
C.L.A.P., clap my hands
Close to you
Colours of day
Come on and celebrate!
Count your blessings
Dance in your Spirit
Do not be terrified
Don't build your house
Enable your servants
Faith as small as a mustard seed
Father God, you love me
Father, I place into your hands
Follow me
For God so loved the world
For I'm building a people of power
From heav'n you came
From the tiny ant
From when the sun rises
Gifts of bread and wine
Give me a heart of compassion
Give me joy in my heart
Give thanks with a grateful heart
God is good, God is great
God's greatest gift
God's not dead
God's people
God loves me, whoopah, wahey!
God, you can use me
God, you're good to me
Goliath was big and Goliath was strong
Go wandering in the sun
Hands, hands, fingers, thumbs
Harvest Hymn
Have we made our God too small?
Have you heard the raindrops?
Have you heard?
He has risen
Here I am, Lord
Hello everybody!
He's got the whole world in his hand
Holy Hokey
I am fearfully and wonderfully made
I danced in the morning
If I were a butterfly
If you're feeling sad
If you want to know why
I have a friend
I love the sun
I love to be with you, Jesus
I'm accepted, I'm forgiven
I may live in a great big city
I'm black, I'm white, I'm short, I'm tall
I'm so small
I'm special
I once was frightened of spiders
I reach up high
I, the Lord of sea and sky
I want to be salt for Jesus
I watch the sunrise
I will make you fishers of men
I will offer up my life
I won't wander off
Jesus Christ was born as a baby
Jesus is greater
Jesus is here
Jesus' love is very wonderful
Jesus loves me
Jesus never, never, never
Jesus put this song into our hearts
Jesus, reign in me
Jesus went out of his way
Jesus, your name is wonderful
Jubilate, everybody
Kum ba yah
Let the little children
Light up the fire
Living Lord
Long before the summer started
Lord Jesus Christ
Lord of the Dance
Lord of the Harvest
Lord, the light of your love
Lord, you are
Lord, you forgive
Lord, you put a tongue in my mouth
Love, love, Jesus is love
Make me a channel of your peace
Man looks on the outside
May your life in this world
Mister Cow
More precious than silver
Morning has broken
My God is so big
Nobody's a nobody
Now I know
Oh! Oh! Oh! How good is the Lord
Oh, once there was a father
O how wide and long
One more step along the world I go
Our Father
Our God is a great big God
Our God is so great
Peace is flowing like a river
Peace, perfect peace, is the gift
Prayer is like a telephone
Prayer phone
Prodigal Son
Psalm 104
Push, little seed
Right where we are
Rise and shine
Sandy land
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
Shalom, my friend
Share the Light
Shine, Jesus, shine
Sing a song, sing a joyful song
Sometimes I feel afraid
Teach me to dance
Thank you, Lord
The butterfly song
The Lord's Prayer
The peace of God
The Prayer of St Francis
There are lots of ways that I can praise
There's a time
The Servant King
The Spirit lives to set us free
The wiggly waggly song
The wise man built his house upon the rock
Think of a world without any flowers
This is my body
This thankful heart
Those who put their hope in the Lord
To be with you
Trust in God
Trust in the Lord
Wake up, my body
Walk in the light
Water of life
We're a bright light together
We really want to thank you, Lord
We're going to praise the Lord
We want to see Jesus lifted high
What's the surprise?
When I am hurt
When I needed a neighbour
When I think about the cross
Whether you're one
Who made the twinkling stars?
Who put the colours in the rainbow?
Who spoke words of wisdom and life?
Who's the king of the jungle?
Wiggle your fingers
With Jesus in the boat
You are the best
You are the Light of the world
You are wonderful
You have called us by your name
You lift your left arm high
You never put a light under a dirty old bucket
You ride on the wings of the wind
You shall go out with joy
You've gotta be fit