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One Family, Hymns Old & New For All AgesOne Family, Hymns Old & New For All Ages from Kevin Mayhew Publishers

One Family, Hymns Old & New For All Ages

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One Family is our answer to the Church's need to demonstrate that it is here for all, regardless of age, race or gender. It is, and should always be, the home of inclusivity.

One Family comprises 789 traditional and modern hymns and worship songs, in lower keys and with sensitive use of inclusive language, to ensure everyone can join in and sing along.


A body made of many parts 1
A brighter dawn is breaking 2
A church birthday song 240
A crown of piercing thorns 3
A gift that is practical 4
A great and mighty wonder 5
A hidden birth, unnoticed, unseen 6
A man there lived in Galilee 7
A new commandment 8
A people packed and ready 9
A place of fear, a place of joy 10
A shepherd’s always with his sheep 11
A touching place 114
Abba, Father, let me be 12 
Abide with me 13
Adoramus te, Domine 14
Advent candle song 786
Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended 15
All are welcome 421
All creatures of our God and King 16 
All for Jesus! 17 
All glory, praise and honour 18
All hail the power of Jesus’ name 19
All heaven declares 20 
All holy angels bright 21 
All I once held dear 22 All in an Easter garden 23
All my days 24 
All my hope on God is founded 25 All nations of the world 26
All night, all day 27 
All over the world 28
All people that on earth do dwell 29 
All servants of God 30 
All servants of the Lord 31 
All that I am 32 All that know the Lord is gracious 33
All the nations of the earth 34
All things bright and beautiful 35 
All watchers and all faithful ones 36
All who own the faith of Jesus 37
All who would valiant be 38 Alleluia (x8) 39 
Alleluia: All the earth 40
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
41 Alleluia, alleluia, hearts to heaven and voices raise 42 
Alleluia! Alleluia! Raise the Gospel 43 
Alleluia, sing to Jesus 44 
Amazing grace! (Traditional) 45 
Amazing grace! (Modern) 46
Amazing love 487 
An improvised banquet 47
 An Upper Room did our Lord prepare 48
An urgent voice is calling 49 
And can it be 50 And can we hope
51 And did those feet in ancient time 52 
Angel-voices ever singing 53 Angels from the realms of glory 54
Anything excited, anything inspired 55 
Arise to greet the Lord of light 56
As the deer pants for the water 57 
As we are gathered 58
As with gladness men of old 59 Ascribe greatness 60
At home in the city 10
At last! The city comes in sight 61
At the cross she keeps her station 62 
At the dawning of creation 63
At the name of Jesus 64 At this day’s end 65
At this table we remember 66 
At your feet 67
Awake, awake: fling off the night! 68 
Awake, my soul, and with the sun 69
Away in a manger 70 

Be bold, be strong 71
Be, Lord, my guardian and my guide 72 
Be, Lord, my vision 73
Be still and know that I am God 74
Be still, for the presence of the Lord 75
Be still, my soul 76
Be the centre 367
Be the God of all my Sundays 77 
(Be thou my guardian and my guide) 72
(Be thou my vision) 73 
Bearing all their fears and tensions 78
Beautiful Saviour 24
Beautiful world 701 
Beauty for brokenness 79
Begin, as we listen, to tell us the gospel 80
Bind us together, Lord 81 
Bless the Lord, my soul 82
Bless the Lord, my soul, and bless God’s holy name 83 
Bless the Lord, O my soul 84 Blessèd assurance 85
Blessèd be your name 86 
Blest are the pure in heart 87
Born in the night, Mary’s child 88
Bread is blessed and broken 89 
(Bread of heaven, on thee we feed)
90 Bread of heaven, on you we feed 90
Breathe in me, Lord 91 
Breathe on me, Breath of God 92 
Bright the vision that delighted 93 
Brightest and best 94
Bring it all to me 55 
Bring your questions, bring your feelings 95 
Broken for me 96
Broken image 730 
Brother, sister, let me serve you 97
By heavenly love surrounded 98 

Called by Christ to be disciples 99
Called by Jesus to live as one body 100
Called by the love of Christ 101
Called to shed light 102 
Calm me, Lord 103
Calypso Carol 601 
Celebrate 134 Child in the manger 104 
Christ be our light 440 Christ be with me 105
Christ is made the sure foundation 106 
Christ is our cornerstone 107
Christ is the world’s Light 108 
Christ the Lord is risen again 109
Christ triumphant 110
Christ, we adore you 111 
Christ, whose glory fills the skies 112 
Christians, awake! 113
Christ’s is the world 114 
City of God, how broad and far 115
Clap hands Gloria 211 
Clap your hands, all you people 116
Clap your hands and sing this song 117 
Close to you 331
Cloth for the cradle 118 
Colours of day 119
Come, all thankful people, come 120 
Come and join the celebration 121
Come and see 122 
Come and welcome this King on a donkey 123
Come down, O Love divine 124 
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove 125
(Come Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire) 128 
(Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire) 126 Come, Holy Spirit, Breath divine 126 
Come, Holy Spirit, come! 127
Come, Holy Spirit, to inspire 128 
Come into his presence 129
Come, let us join our cheerful songs 130 
Come, Lord Jesus 262
Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life 131 
Come, O Holy Spirit, come 132
Come, O long-expected Jesus 133 
Come on and celebrate 134
Come, see the Lord 135 
(Come, thou Holy Spirit, come) 132 
(Come, thou long-expected Jesus) 133
Come to me – now go! 722
Come with newly-written anthems 136
Come, wounded healer 137
(Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem) 158 
(Come, ye faithful, raise the strain) 159
(Come, ye thankful people, come) 120 
Cornerstone 485
Cosmic Christ 650 
Creating God, we bring our song of praise 138 
Creation sings! 139
Creator of the starry height 140
Crown him with many crowns 141 
Cry ‘Freedom!’ 142 

Dance on injustice 642
Dear Christ, uplifted from the earth 143
(Dear Lord and Father of mankind) 144 
Dear Lord and Father of us all 144
Ding dong, merrily on high! 145
Disciples, who on placid seas 146 
(Disposer supreme) 529
Do not be afraid 147 
Don’t be afraid 148 
Don’t just love your family 149
Down to earth 284 
Doxology 571 
Draw us together at the close of day 150 

Earth has many a noble city 151
Easter breakfast 656 
Eat this bread 152 
Elijah begins again 250
Enemy of apathy 606
(Enthroned above the starry height) 140 
Eternal Father, strong to save 153
Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round 154
Exaudi nos, Domine 155
Extol the God of justice 156 

Facing unfairness 742
Faithful God 148 
Faithful One 157
Faithful people, raise the anthem 158
Faithful people, raise the song 159
Faithful Shepherd, feed me 160 
Faithful to Jesus, serving him always 161
Faithful vigil ended 162
Farmer, farmer, why do you plough? 163 
Father, hear the prayer we offer 164
Father, I place into your hands 165 
Father, Lord of all creation 166
Father most holy, merciful and loving 167
Father of heaven, whose love profound 168
Father, we adore you 169
Father, we love you 170
Father welcomes all his children 171
Father, who in Jesus found us 172 
Fearful, uncertain 173
Feast of possibilities 78 
Fight the good fight 174
Fill my whole life, O Lord my God 175
(Fill thou my life, O Lord my God) 175
Filled with the Spirit’s power 176 
Firmly I believe and truly 177
Fishes of the ocean 178 
For all the saints 179 
For all the saints of every age and day 180
For all your saints still active 181 
For beauty which delights our eyes 182
For ever 209 
For I can do all things 328 
For Mary, mother of our Lord 183
For the beauty of the earth 184
For the days when you feel near 185 
For the fruits of his creation 186
For the healing of the nations 187 
For those who strive for justice 188
Forgive our sins as we forgive 189
Forgive us when our deeds ignore 190
Forth in the peace of Christ we go 191
Forth in your name, O Lord, I go 192 
Forty days and forty nights 193
Four pictures of the Church from the Bible 101 
Freedom children! 260
Freely, freely 224 
From a manger in a stable 194 
From glory to glory advancing 195
From heaven you came 196
From many grains 197 
From near and far 198
From the heart of God the Father 199
From the heights of glory 200 
From the sun’s rising 201
From the very depths of darkness 202 

Gather around, for the table is spread 203 Gathered in sadness 204 Give me a heart that will honour you 205 Give me joy in my heart 206 Give me peace, O Lord 207 Give thanks for those 208 Give thanks to the Lord 209 Give thanks with a grateful heart 210 Gloria 211 Glorify your name 170 (Glorious things of thee are spoken) 212 Glorious things of you are spoken 212 Glory be to Jesus 213 Glory to God 214 (Glory to thee, my God, this night) 215 (Glory to thee, O God) 216 Glory to you, my God, this night 215 Glory to you, O God 216 Go forth and tell! 217 Go, tell everyone 251 Go, tell it on the mountain 218 Go wandering in the sun 219 God almighty set a rainbow 220 God! As with silent hearts 221 God be in my head 222 God be with you till we meet again 223 God draws near 246
God forgave my sin 224
God has called us to a journey 225
God has joined us in life’s struggle 226
God has marvellously come 227
God in the wilderness 754 
God is here! As we his people 228
God is love: his the care 229
God is love: let heaven adore him 230
God is our strength and refuge 231 
God is working his purpose out 232 
God knows me 686 God moves in a mysterious way 233 God of freedom 234 
God of grace and God of glory 235
God of life, God of love 236 
God of life, we come in worship 237 
God of love 238 
God of mercy 458
God of mercy, God of grace 239 God of new beginnings 751 
God of nurture, God of caring 240
God of the nations 241 God of the poor 79
God on earth 745
God rest you merry, gentlemen 242
God save our gracious Queen 243 
(God that madest earth and heaven) 245
God! When human bonds are broken 244 
God who made both earth and heaven 245
God, who spoke in the beginning 246
God, whose almighty word 247
God, whose farm is all creation 248 
God, whose love is all around us 249 
God whose voice spoke through the silence 250
God’s child and God’s children 227 
God’s Spirit is in my heart 251
God’s surprise 763
Going home 252 
(Good Christian men, rejoice) 254
Good Christians all, rejoice (Campbell) 253
Good Christians all, rejoice (Neale) 254 
Good Christians all, rejoice and sing 255
Good King Wenceslas 256 
Good news to the poor 681
Gracious God, in adoration 257 Gracious Spirit, heavenly fire 258
(Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost) 258 
Grant us the courage, gracious God 259 
Great big God 561 Great God, we need you bursting in 260
Great God, your love has called us 261
Great is the darkness 262 
(Great is thy faithfulness) 263
Great is your faithfulness 263
Great praises shout to God on high 264
Guide me, O my great Redeemer 265 (Guide me, O thou great Redeemer) 265 

Hail, gladdening Light 266
Hail, O once-despisèd Jesus 267
Hail the day that sees him rise 268
(Hail, thou once despisèd Jesus) 267 
Hail to the Lord’s anointed 269
Halle, halle, halle 270 
Hallelu, hallelu 271
Hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah 272 
Hallelujah 273
Hallelujah Chorus 273
Hallelujah, my Father 274 
Happy are they, they that love God 275
Happy to share 276
Hark! a herald voice is calling 277 
Hark, my soul, it is the Lord 278
Hark, the glad sound! 279
Hark, the herald-angels sing 280
Have faith in God, my heart 281
Have we any room for Jesus? 494
Have you heard the raindrops 282
He broke the rules 283
He could have been born in a royal palace 284
He is exalted 285 
He is Lord 286
Healer of the sick 287 
Hear our prayer for others 288
Heaven is in my heart 540
Heaven is open wide 289
Heaven shall not wait 290
Help us live the love of Jesus 291
Help us, O Lord, to learn 292
Here am I, Lord 293
Here I am 294
Here I am, Lord 330 
Here I am to worship 431
Here is bread 295 
Here, Lord, we take the broken bread 296 
Here, O my Lord 297
Here on the threshold of a new beginning 298
Here, where your people 299
He’s got the whole world in his hand 300
Hills of the north, rejoice 301
Holding on to the rock 757 
Holy and anointed One 380
Holy, holy, holy 302
Holy, holy, holy (Owens) 303 
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord (Fellingham) 304
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord (Ballantine) 305
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty 306
Holy Spirit, come, confirm us 307 
Holy Spirit, truth divine 308
Hosanna 575
Hosanna to the Son of David 770 
Hosanna, hosanna 309
How deep the Father’s love for us 310 
How did you feel, Lord Jesus 311
How good is the God we adore 312
How good, Lord, to be here 313
How great is our God 682 
How great thou art 522
How lovely on the mountains 314
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds 315 

I am a new creation 316
I am the bread of life 317
(I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus) 318 
I am trusting you, Lord Jesus 318
I believe in Jesus 319 
I bind into my soul today 320
(I bind unto myself today) 320
I cannot tell 321 
I come with joy 322
I danced in the morning 323
I give my hands 324
I heard the voice of Jesus say 325
I know that my Redeemer lives 326
I lift my eyes to the quiet hills 327
I live, dependent on Jesus 328
(I need thee every hour) 329 
I need you every hour 329 
I really want to worship you 776
I stand in awe 769 
I, the Lord of sea and sky 330 
I watch the sunrise 331 I will always sing the praises 332
I will offer up my life 333 I will sing the wondrous story 334
I will worship 335 If I were a butterfly 336
If, in Christ, there’s no distinction 337
If we would share the love we’ve known 338
I’m accepted, I’m forgiven 339
I’m black, I’m white, I’m short, I’m tall 340
Image of our God and Father 341 (Image of the eternal Father) 341
(Immortal, invisible, God only wise) 342 
Immortal, invisible, God truly wise 342
Immortal love, for ever full 343
In an age of twisted values 344 
In bread we bring you, Lord 345
In Christ alone 346
In Christ there is no east or west 347 
In glad and sad remembrance 348
(In heavenly love abiding) 98
In love for me 696
In the bleak mid-winter 349
In the darkness of night 350
In the garden Mary lingers 351 
In the Lord is my joy 352
In the night, the sound of crying 353
In the peace of a garden 354 
In vast, ornate cathedrals 355
In you, my God 356
Infant holy, infant lowly 357 
Inspired by love and anger 358
Is the church a building? 359
It came upon the midnight clear 360
It is a thing most wonderful 361 
It’s all about you 384 
It’s me, it’s me, it’s me, O Lord 362
It’s rounded like an orange 363 
I’ve got peace like a river 364 

Jerusalem the golden 365
(Jesu, lover of my soul) 384 (Jesu, Son of Mary) 391
(Jesu, the very thought of thee) 394 Jesus, all for Jesus 366 Jesus and HIV/AIDS 373 Jesus and the children 744 Jesus, be the centre 367 Jesus bids us shine 368 Jesus calls: above the tumult 369 Jesus calls us here to meet him 370 (Jesus calls us: o’er the tumult) 369 Jesus came to save us 595 Jesus Christ is risen today 371 Jesus Christ is waiting 372 Jesus, friend of social outcasts 373 Jesus, good above all other 374 Jesus had all kinds of friends 375 Jesus, humble was your birth 376 Jesus, in your life we see you 377 Jesus is King 378 Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims it 379 Jesus, Jesus 380 Jesus lives! our hearts are free 381
(Jesus lives! thy terrors now) 381
(Jesus, Lord, we look to thee) 382
Jesus, Lord, we look to you 
382 Jesus’ love is very wonderful 383
Jesus, lover of my soul 384
Jesus meets us at the margins 385 
Jesus, Name above all names 386 
Jesus, Prince and Saviour 387
Jesus put this song into our hearts 388
Jesus, remember me 389 
Jesus shall reign 390
Jesus, Son of Mary 391 
Jesus, stand among us 392 
(Jesus, stand among us in thy risen power) 393
Jesus, stand among us in your risen power 393 Jesus still weeps 397 
Jesus, the thought of you alone 394
Jesus took a piece of bread 395 
Jesus, we have heard your Spirit 396
Jesus, weeping for the city 397
Jesus, where’er your people meet 398
Join the song of praise and protest 399
Joy to the world! 400 
Jubilate, everybody 401
Jude’s benediction 499
Judge eternal, throned in splendour 402 
Just as I am, without one plea 403 

Kindle a flame 404
King of glory, King of peace 405
King of kings, majesty 406
Knowing you 22
Kum ba yah 407 

Lead, kindly light 408
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us 409 
Learning to love 4 
Led like a lamb 410
Let all creation’s wonders 411
Let all mortal flesh keep silence 412 
Let all the world in every corner sing 413
Let justice roll 738
Let love be found among us 414 
Let love be our glory 415
Let love be real 416
Let the flame burn brighter 736
Let the mountains dance and sing 417
Let the world be changed 418
Let there be love 419 
Let us break bread together 420
Let us build a house 421
Let us praise God together 422 
Let us rejoice 423
Let us, with a gladsome mind 424 
Lift high the Cross 425 
Lift up your heads 426 Lift up your hearts! 427
Lift up your voice 428
Light a candle for thanksgiving! 429
Light of her life 430
Light of the world 431 
Light up the fire 119
Light’s abode, celestial haven 432 
(Light’s abode, celestial Salem) 432 
Like a candle in the night 433
Like a mighty river flowing 434
Little donkey 435 
Little Jesus, sleep away 436
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep 437
Living God, your word has called us 438
Living Lord 448
(Lo, he comes with clouds descending) 600
Long ago, prophets knew 439
Longing for light 440 
Lord, at a time when our tables are laden 441 
Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour 442
Lord, for the years 443
Lord, give us vision 444 
Lord, have mercy (Russian) 445
Lord, I come to you 446
Lord Jesus, at your coming 447
Lord Jesus Christ 448 
Lord Jesus, think on me 449
Lord of all hopefulness 450 
Lord of all life and power 451
(Lord of beauty, thine the splendour) 452
Lord of beauty, yours the splendour 452
Lord of creation 453 Lord of the Dance 323 (Lord, teach us how to pray aright) 454 Lord, teach us how we ought to pray 454
Lord, the light of your love 455
(Lord, thy word abideth) 462 
Lord, today your voice is calling 456
Lord, we come to ask your healing 457
Lord, we turn to you for mercy 458 
Lord, you amaze us 459
Lord, you call us to a journey 460
Lord, you created a world rich in splendour 461
Lord, your word inspires us 462
Love came down at Christmas 463
Love divine, all loves excelling 464 
Love is his word 465
Love is the only law 466
Love lessons 337 
Love that lasts 291 
Love’s redeeming work is done 467
Love’s rule 149
(Loving Shepherd of thy sheep) 468 
Loving Shepherd of your sheep 468
Luke – no palms! 61 

Magnificat 399
Majesty, worship his majesty 469
Make me a channel of your peace 470
Make way, make way 471 
Mallaig Sprinkling Song 623
Manhattan mourning 704 
Mary, blessèd grieving mother 472 
Mary had a baby 473
Mary Magdalene and others 161
May the grace of Christ our Saviour 474 
May the mind of Christ my Saviour 475
Meekness and majesty 476
Mia’s blessing song 635
Mine eyes have seen the glory 477
Morning glory, starlit sky 478 
Morning has broken 479
Mourning song 204
My chains are gone 46
My desire 707 
(My faith looks up to thee) 480
My faith looks up to you 480
My Father, for another night 481 
My God, accept my heart this day 482
(My God, and is thy table spread) 483 
My God, and is your table spread 483
(My God, how wonderful thou art) 484 
My God, how wonderful you are 484 

Nada te turbe 489
Name of all majesty 490
(Nearer, my God, to thee) 491
Nearer, my God, to you 491 
Never give in then, dear brothers and sisters 492
New every morning is the love 493
New Wine 552 
No gift so wonderful 494
Nothing can trouble 489
Now, come to the water 495
Now let us from this table rise 496 
(Now, my tongue, the mystery telling) 643 
Now thank we all our God 497
Now the green blade rises 498
(Now the green blade riseth) 498 
Now to him who is able to keep us 499 

O Breath of Life 500
O Christ, remember them 501
O Christ, who at your Eucharist did pray 502
O Father, on your love we call 503
O God beyond all praising 504
O God, enthroned in majesty 505
O God of earth and altar 506
O God of hope 507
O God of thoughts and feelings 508 
O God, our help in ages past 509
O God, our Rock 510
O God, unseen yet ever near 511 
O happy band of pilgrims 512
O holy, heavenly kingdom 513 O Holy Spirit, from above 514 O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace 515 O Jesus, I have promised 516 O King enthroned on high 517 O little town of Bethlehem 518 O Lord, all the world belongs to you 519 O Lord, hear my prayer 520 O Lord, listen to my prayer 521 O Lord my God! 522 O Lord of every shining constellation 523 O Lord, your tenderness 524 O Lord, you’ve searched me 525 O love, how deep, how broad, how high! 526 O Love that will not let me go 527 (O Love that wilt not let me go) 527 O perfect love 528 (O praise ye the Lord) 612 O Ruler supreme 529 O sacred head, surrounded 530 O Spirit, sent to plead our cause 531 (O strength and stay) 510 (O thou, who at thy Eucharist didst pray) 502 (O thou who camest from above) 514 (O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness) 768 (Of the Father’s love begotten) 199 Oft in danger, oft in woe 532 Oh come, all ye faithful 533 Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel 534 Oh, for a closer walk with God 535 Oh, for a heart to praise my God 536 Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing 537 Oh give thanks 538 Oh happy day! 539 Oh, heaven is in my heart 540 Oh, how good is the Lord! 541 Oh, let the Son of God enfold you 542 Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus! 543 Oh when the saints go marching in 544 Oh worship the King 545 On a hill far away 546 On Christmas night all Christians sing 547 (On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry) 548 On Jordan’s bank the cry rings clear 548 Once in royal David’s city 549 One Body! 100 One more step along the world I go 550 One of us, flesh and blood 551 One shall tell another 552 Only by grace 553 Onward, Christian pilgrims 554 Open our eyes, Lord 555 Our blest Redeemer, as he breathed 556 (Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed) 556 Our Father (Caribbean) 557 Our Father (Estelle White) 558 Our Father (Wiener) 559 Our Father in heaven 560 Our God is a great big God 561 Our God is so great 562 Our God loves us 563 Our God reigns 314 Our Helper 531 Over the earth is a mat of green 564 

Parables for the people 568 Passover people 9 Peace is flowing like a river 565 Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin 566 Peace, perfect peace, is the gift 567 Perseverance 492 Peruvian Gloria 214 Pithy and punchy and playful and personal 568 Power of your love 446 Praise and thanksgiving 569 Praise God for the harvest 570 Praise God from whom all blessings flow 571 Praise him on the trumpet 572 Praise him, praise him, all his children 573 Praise him, praise him, praise him 574 Praise is rising 575 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven! 576 Praise, oh praise our God and King 577 Praise the Lord, let heaven adore him! 578 Praise to Christ, the Lord incarnate 579 Praise to the Holiest 580 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 581 Praise we now the word of grace 582 Proclaim, proclaim the story 583 Purify my heart 584 Put all your trust in God 585 Put peace into each other’s hands 586 (Put thou thy trust in God) 585

Refiner’s fire 584 Rejoice in God’s saints 587 Rejoice in the Lord always 588 Rejoice, the Lord is King! 589 Remembrance Day communion hymn 774 Restore, O Lord 590 Resurrection breakfast 779 Resurrection hymn 603 Ride on, ride on in majesty! 591 Right where we are 646 Rise and hear! The Lord is speaking 592 Rise and shine 593 Rock of ages 594 Room prepared; disciples meet 595

Sad, confused and shaken 596 Salvation belongs to our God 597 (Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise) 598 Saviour, again to your dear name we raise 598 See, amid the winter’s snow 599 See him come with clouds descending 600 See him lying on a bed of straw 601 See the holy table, spread for our healing 602 See, what a morning 603 Seek ye first 604 She came with a token 605 She did what she could 605 She sits like a bird 606 Shine, Jesus, shine 455 Shout to the Lord 486 Show me how to stand for justice 607 Silent night 608 Silent, surrendered 609 Sing hosanna 206 Sing lullaby! 610 (Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle) 611 Sing, my tongue, the glorious struggle 611 Sing praise to the Lord! 612 Sing the gospel of salvation 613 Sing to God a song of glory 614 Sing to God new songs of worship 615 Sing we of the blessed Mother 616 Singing with Simeon and Anna 226 Songs of praise the angels sang 617 Soul of my Saviour 618 Speak, dear God, through all the strangeness 619 Speak, O Lord 620 Spirit divine, attend our prayers 621 Spirit, lead us to the table 622 Spirit of God 623 Spirit of mercy, truth and love 624 Spirit of the living God (Armstrong) 625 Spirit of the living God (Iverson) 626 Spirit of the Supper 622 Spirit song 542 Stand up and bless the Lord 627 Stand up, stand up for Jesus 628 Stay with me 629 Steal away 630 Strengthen for service, Lord 631 Such love 632

Take my hands, Lord 633 Take my life, and let it be 634 Take this for your journey 635 Take this moment 636 (Take up thy cross, the Saviour said) 638 Take up your cross, he says 637 Take up your cross, the Saviour said 638 Teach me, dear Lord 639 Teach me, my God and King 640 Teach me to dance 641 Teach us how to walk 642 Tell, my tongue, the awesome mystery 643 Tell out, my soul 644 Ten thousand reasons 84 Thank you for the summer morning 645 Thank you, Lord 646 Thanks for the fellowship 647 That’s why we’re here 276 The advent of our King 648 The angel Gabriel from heaven came 649 The Christ who with us lived and walked 650 The Church of God a kingdom is 651 The Church’s one foundation 652 The coming of the Light 433 The day of resurrection! 653 (The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended) 655 The day will come, that glorious day 654 The day you gave, O Lord, is ended 655 The desert road 784 The feast begun in shadow 656 The first Nowell 657 The God of Abraham praise 658 The God of love my shepherd is 659 The great chain of witness 180 The head that once was crowned with thorns 660 The heart of worship 755 The heavens proclaim God’s glory 661 The holly and the ivy 662 The King is among us 663 The King of love my shepherd is 664 The kingdom is upon you! 665 The kingdom of God 666 The Lord created family 667 The Lord is my light 668 The Lord is my song 669 The Lord is risen indeed 670 The Lord reveals his glory 671 The Lord will come and not be slow 672 The Lord’s my shepherd (Crimond) 673 The Lord’s my shepherd (Townend) 674 The love we share 675 The meaning of Christmas 6 The old rugged cross 546 The people that in darkness sat 676 The pleasing son 253 The promised time arrives 677 The royal banners forward go 678 The Servant King 196 The servant song 97 The shepherd’s tale 11 The song of Zechariah 264 The Spirit comes to bring us freedom 679 The Spirit lives to set us free 680 The Spirit of God 681 The splendour of the King 682 The story must be told 703 (The strife is o’er the battle done) 683 The strife is past, the struggle done 683 The Summons 765 The trees of the field 778 The Virgin Mary had a baby boy 684 The wise man 685 (Thee, we adore, O hidden Saviour, thee) 111 There are hundreds of sparrows 686 There is a green hill far away 687 There is a Redeemer 688 There’s a quiet understanding 689 There’s a spirit in the air 690 There’s a wideness in God’s mercy 691 (Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old) 780 Thine be the glory 692 (Thine for ever! God of love) 787 Think of a world without any flowers 693 Thirsty for the living water 694 This day God gives me 695 This is our God 781 This is my body 696 This is the day 697 This is the day the Lord has made 698 This is your God 476 This joyful Eastertide 699 This little light of mine 700 This staggering, awestruck silence 702 This thankful heart 333 This world you have made 701 (Thou art the way: by thee alone) 772 (Thou didst leave thy throne) 775 (Thou, whose almighty word) 247 Though raw fear had set them running 702 Though some are tired and some afraid 703 Thousands swept away by anger 704 Through all the changing scenes of life 705 Through the night of doubt and sorrow 706 (Thy hand, O God, has guided) 782 (Thy kingdom come, O God) 783 To be in your presence 707 To God be the glory! 708 To the name of our salvation 709 (To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise) 710 To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise 710 Today’s a special celebration 711 Two God-given banquets 47

Ubi caritas 712 Unto us a boy is born 713

(Virgin-born, we bow before thee) 714 Virgin-born, we bow before you 714

Wait for the Lord 715
Waiting by wells 338
Wake, oh wake! with tidings thrilling 716 
Walk in the light 680
Walking in a garden 717 
Water of life 282
We are marching 718
We believe in God the Father 719 
We bow down 720
We cannot measure 721
We come to you who called 722
We eat the plants that grow from the seed 723
We have a gospel to proclaim 724 
We have a King who rides a donkey 725
We hear your cry, Lord 726
We love the place, O God 727
We plough the fields and scatter 728
We pray you, heavenly Father 729
We saw beauty in the ashes 730 
We sing the praise of him who died 731
We three kings of Orient are 732
We turn to you 733 
We will lay our burden down 734
We will pray for you, sister 735 
We worship at your feet 122 
We your children 771
Welcome to united worship 711 
Welcoming Jesus 123 
We’ll walk the land 736
Were you there when they crucified my Lord? 737
We’ve silenced our prophets 738
What a friend we have in Jesus 739 
What a gift 200 What a night to remember 740
What child is this 741
Whatever the struggle, whatever the shame 742 
When a knight won his spurs 743
When disciples tried to stop children reaching him 744 
When God Almighty came to earth 745
When God made the garden of creation 746 
When I feel the touch 747
When I look into your holiness 748
When I needed a neighbour 749 
When I survey the wondrous cross 750
When Jesus came from heaven to earth 751 
When morning gilds the skies 752
When our God came to earth 753
When our lives are harsh and barren 754
When the music fades 755 
When the Spirit of the Lord 756
When the world shakes 757 
When we walk with the Lord 758 
Where love is met with hatred 759 
While shepherds watched 760
Who can sound the depths of sorrow 761
Who put the colours in the rainbow? 762
Who would think that what was needed 763
Whom wind and waves obey 146
Wide, wide as the ocean 764 
Will you come and follow me 765
Will your anchor hold 766
Word of God encountered 767 
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness 768 

(Ye choirs of new Jerusalem) 773
(Ye holy angels bright) 21 
(Ye servants of God) 30 
(Ye servants of the Lord) 31
(Ye that know the Lord is gracious) 33 
(Ye watchers and ye holy ones) 36
(Ye who own the faith of Jesus) 37 
You are beautiful 769
You are the King of Glory 770
You are the one who will call us 771 
You are the Way: by you alone 772 
You choirs of new Jerusalem 773
You did not ask that thousands die 774
You forsook your throne 775
You laid aside your majesty 776 
You, Lord, are in this place 777 
You shall go out with joy 778
You stood there on the shoreline 779
Your arm, O Lord, in days of old 780
Your grace is enough 781
Your hand, O God, has guided 782 
Your kingdom come, O God 783
Your love is so great 784
Your love’s greater 785 
Your promises are coming true 786
You’re alive 410
You’re worthy of my praise 335 
Yours for ever!
God of love 787
You’ve called us as your Church, Lord 788
You’ve got to move 789


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