Songs For Acorns
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Here's a real gift - 113 entirely new tuneful and fun songs for junior church by leading writers, all with long-established reputations:
- Alison Carver
- Barry Hart
- Val Hawthorne
- Geoffrey Nobes
- Denis O'Gorman
- Andy Silver
- Becky Silver
- Christopher Tambling
In addition to this book there is available an 8-CD set with both full-vocals and backing tracks, plus a words book for the children. There are extensive indexes to make the choice of song as easy as possible.
All creatures great and small
All my friends have mobile phones
At nine o'clock it's time for bed
At the end of the day
Be my light when darkness is falling
Choices, choices
David was a young boy
Dear Father, who is in heaven
Do you know?
Don't be afraid
Don't bottle things up
Driving fast through Dartmoor
Ever since the world began
Everybody join in
Ev'ryone's heard the warning
Family history
Forests are chopped down
Go and grab a cook book
God gave me a body
God is good
How can I be a good friend today?
How can it be?
I can learn
I can play a part
I could climb the Eiffel tower
I didn't want my glasses
I know I once was ashes
I may be small or big
I went into the hospital
If I can be strong
If I could make up music
If I could win the lottery
If I had a song I'd sing it
If the sun is shining down
I'm gonna tell the truth
In a little town one day
In this world it's not hard to spot
It doesn't cost a penny
It's a great, great world
It's a lovely warm day
It's good to pray
It's nice to have a family
Jesus taught his friends a prayer
Left click, right click
Lent is a time when we think of others
Let's have a minute's silence
Let's join hands around the world
Let's take care of our body
Lift the banner of praise
Light a candle
Looking around
Mary went to mourn for Jesus
My brothers went out fishing
My granny and grandad
Oh, I love the colour green
Once there was a donkey
Open your eyes
Peace, peace, peace on earth
People think I'm bonkers
Peter asked Jesus
Praise the Lord
Prayer's like talking on a mobile phone
See the baby in the stable
So good, so kind
So now, it is September
Some are full of action
Some dads love fishing
Some people say, 'The world's too small'
Somebody needs my prayer today
Sometimes I feel happy
Sometimes Mum's on a diet
Sometimes we might say words
Sometimes when I'm feeling angry
Soon it will be pancake day
Sparkling in the secret moonlight
Sunshine brings warmth
Talk to Jesus every day
Thank you for the sun
Thank you, God, for the springtime
The other night, we watched the news
There's a man we see in town
There's a spring on a mountain
There's a thirsty world out there
There's a word
They say I can be a child
They say we should recycle
This is your song
Times change
Try to imagine
We all need a little kindness
We bring our prayers
We saw the slumdog children
We went into the superstore
We've a sing-along song
Whatever you are doing, try to do your best
When I feel upset
When I look at you
When I look into the sky
When I open my eyes
When the day of darkness came
When the raindrops fall
When the sun is shining so bright
Where is he?
Where there is shouting
Who cares for carers
Who is who?
Winter days are short and cold
Yes, the journey of life
You can't always have what you want
You're a good dog
Zachariah was a priest
All creatures great and small
All my friends have mobile phones
At nine o'clock it's time for bed
At the end of the day
Be my light when darkness is falling
Choices, choices
David was a young boy
Dear Father, who is in heaven
Do you know?
Don't be afraid
Don't bottle things up
Driving fast through Dartmoor
Ever since the world began
Everybody join in
Ev'ryone's heard the warning
Family history
Forests are chopped down
Go and grab a cook book
God gave me a body
God is good
How can I be a good friend today?
How can it be?
I can learn
I can play a part
I could climb the Eiffel tower
I didn't want my glasses
I know I once was ashes
I may be small or big
I went into the hospital
If I can be strong
If I could make up music
If I could win the lottery
If I had a song I'd sing it
If the sun is shining down
I'm gonna tell the truth
In a little town one day
In this world it's not hard to spot
It doesn't cost a penny
It's a great, great world
It's a lovely warm day
It's good to pray
It's nice to have a family
Jesus taught his friends a prayer
Left click, right click
Lent is a time when we think of others
Let's have a minute's silence
Let's join hands around the world
Let's take care of our body
Lift the banner of praise
Light a candle
Looking around
Mary went to mourn for Jesus
My brothers went out fishing
My granny and grandad
Oh, I love the colour green
Once there was a donkey
Open your eyes
Peace, peace, peace on earth
People think I'm bonkers
Peter asked Jesus
Praise the Lord
Prayer's like talking on a mobile phone
See the baby in the stable
So good, so kind
So now, it is September
Some are full of action
Some dads love fishing
Some people say, 'The world's too small'
Somebody needs my prayer today
Sometimes I feel happy
Sometimes Mum's on a diet
Sometimes we might say words
Sometimes when I'm feeling angry
Soon it will be pancake day
Sparkling in the secret moonlight
Sunshine brings warmth
Talk to Jesus every day
Thank you for the sun
Thank you, God, for the springtime
The other night, we watched the news
There's a man we see in town
There's a spring on a mountain
There's a thirsty world out there
There's a word
They say I can be a child
They say we should recycle
This is your song
Times change
Try to imagine
We all need a little kindness
We bring our prayers
We saw the slumdog children
We went into the superstore
We've a sing-along song
Whatever you are doing, try to do your best
When I feel upset
When I look at you
When I look into the sky
When I open my eyes
When the day of darkness came
When the raindrops fall
When the sun is shining so bright
Where is he?
Where there is shouting
Who cares for carers
Who is who?
Winter days are short and cold
Yes, the journey of life
You can't always have what you want
You're a good dog
Zachariah was a priest