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The Hymns Of Patrick Appleford

The Hymns Of Patrick Appleford

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Product code: 1450394
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Patrick Appleford wrote the words and music of Lord Jesus Christ fifty years ago. He has written hymns throughout his ministry and this selection includes many of the finest. All are characteristically crafted so that the music fit's the rhythm and accents of the lyrics, which may be one reason why people enjoy singing them so much.


A daily prayer
All glory be to God
A vision of community
Celebrating life
Christmas is more than a tale that is told
City of God
Earth in the dark
Easter Carol
Glory be to God our Father
Glory be to God the Father
God, you are great and all good
Great God on high
Hail, Mary, full of grace
Holy Spirit, come to me
Hope springs out of every race and nation
Hymn for all ages
Hymn for the family
Hymn to hope
Lead me, Lord
Lord Jesus Christ
Lord of life
Make us saints
More than a story
O Father, dear Father
O Lord, all the world belongs to you
On finding God everywhere
Only forgiveness takes away sin
Praise to God, Creator Spirit
Reflections on The Lord's Prayer
The quest for God
Trusting God
Turning the world upside down