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Ultimate Fun CollectionUltimate Fun Collection

Ultimate Fun Collection

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Product code: 1400347
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The pieces in this unusual (you can say that again!) collection were inspired by Noel Rawsthorne's Hornpipe Humoresque which has been played as a fun piece on organs around the world. Even if your congregation throws a wobbly when you use them after Evensong, they make great encores.


Dance with the saints - Colin Mawby
Eine kleine lift music - Simon Lesley
Homage to the Queen of Sheba - Norman Warren
Hornpipe humoresque - Noel Rawsthorne
Menagerie musicale - Robert Jones
Pasticcio - June Nixon
The Camptown Races gallop - Judith Bailey
The organist's country garden - Andrew Wright
Up she rises! - Rosalie Boninghton