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The Bumper Book of Resources: Instant Youth Group (Volume 8)


Imagine if you had in one place material from some of the most well-respected writers for young people!

Anyone who works with young people knows how difficult it is to come up with something fresh and exciting that will keep them interested. And in today's increasingly busy world, time is shorter than ever.Now imagine if there was a book that you could just dip into to help you with prayers, services, sermon ideas and illustrative material, both for general and all-age worship, that covers the major festivals of the Christian year ...

Well here it is! The Bumper Book of Resources: Instant Youth Group!

Topics covered include:
Weekends away, All-age worship, Getting teenagers to talk, Club sessions, Ice breakers, Quizzes, Sessions for 9-14 year olds, Sessions for 11-16 year olds, The Church Year, Prayers, Dramas

Contributors include:
David Adam; Tony Bower; Philip Eley; Nick Fawcett; Michael Forster; David Gatward; Phil Green; Nick Harding; Rob Hurd; Ray Jackson; Susan Sayers; Tim Storey, and Pete Townsend.  

Downloadable Clip art resources available

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