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Fiesta! - ManualsFiesta! - Manuals

Fiesta! - Manuals

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Product code: 1400353
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There is always a ready welcome for joyful organ music like this - works which ensure that a congregation leaves the church with a broad smile and a sense of warmth and happiness.


A joyful 'going out' - Colin Mawby
Carillon on 'Llanfair' - Andrew Wright
Commuter caprice - Richard Lloyd
Exultate Deo - Rosalie Bonighton
Fanfare with trio - Simon Lesley
Finale - Michael Higgins
Flourish for the tuba - June Nixon
Marche française - Andrew Fletcher
Marche grotesque - John Jordan
Onwards and upwards - Judith Bailey
Postlude - Andrew Moore
Sculpture - Timothy Blinko
Season's joy - Betty Roe
Spirito - Stanley Vann
Toccatina - Robert Jones
Triumphal march - Norman Warren

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