Grappling With God Book 1
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Grappling with God is a complete resource which sheds new light on familiar Bible stories by means of prayer, meditation, study and discussion. It is designed for small groups and personal use.
Themes covering the whole spectrum of human emotion and experience, relevant to every Christian, are teased out of the Bible stories, then opened up in meditation which forms the central focus of each session.
Each book contains twenty sessions which follow a similar programme:
• Introduction - setting the theme and showing its relevance for today • Bible reading • Meditation • Points to ponder • Discussion openers • Follow-up suggestions • Prayer
Book One
Law and Promise
Looks at the first five books of the Bible and dips also into the book of Joshua, moving from Creation to the founding fathers of the Jewish nation, from the Great Flood to the giving of the Law, from the promise made to Abraham to the first tentative steps into the Promised Land.
1 Excuses, excuses - Adam2 Fallen creation - God3 Fruits of anger - Cain4 The foolishness of faith - Noah5 Facing the unknown - Abram6 Amazing grace - Abraham7 Pearls before swine? - Esau8 A life-changing experience - Jacob9 Do as you would be done by - Rachel10 Grappling with God - Jacob11 The folly of favouritism - Jacob12 Resisting temptation - Joseph13 Learning to forgive - Joseph14 The price of prejudice - A Hebrew slave15 Rising to the challenge - Moses16 The courage to continue - Moses17 Faith in adversity - Moses18 A God of our own making - Aaron19 Glimpsing the promised land - Moses20 Responding in faith - Joshua
!!Book Two
Conquest and Kingdom
Explores the history of the people of Israel from their entry into the Promised Land through the time of Esther and her courageous stand on behalf of her people. It covers some of the truly legendary names of the Old Testament - Samson, Samuel, David and Solomon.
1 Difficult decisions - Rahab2 Straight talking - Balaam3 Taken on trust - Gideon4 Love is blind - Samson5 A friend in need - Ruth6 A costly promise - Hannah7 Getting the message - Samuel8 Digging deeper - Samuel9 Against all odds - David10 Divided loyalties - Jonathan11 A raw nerve - Saul12 A moment's madness - David13 Hitting home - Nathan14 The heart of the matter - Solomon15 A surprise encounter - Elijah16 The moment of truth - Elisha17 Swallowing our pride - Naaman18 All or nothing - Hezekiah19 Rediscovering the word - Josiah20 Risking all - Esther
!!Book Three
Wisdom, Songs and Stories
Explores three strands within the Old Testament: wisdom, songs and stories. The first of these refers to the books of Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes; the second to the Psalms and the Song of Solomon; and the third to the book of Daniel.
1 The mystery of suffering - Job2 Light in our darkness - Job3 Stewards of creation - David4 Counting our blessings - David5 The dark night of the soul - David6 Shepherd of the sheep - David7 Living with failure - David8 Time's paces - Moses9 Songs of praise - David10 United we stand - Psalmist11 A love that will not let us go - David12 Words to remember - Solomon13 Watch your tongue - Solomon14 The price of idleness - Solomon15 The course of true love - Solomon16 The road to nowhere - The Teacher17 A time for everything - The Teacher18 God is able! - Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego19 The disturbing truth - Daniel20 The courage of our convictions - Daniel
!!Book Four
The Word of the Lord
Offers a brief glimpse into the world of Old Testament prophecy, attempting to give a flavour of each prophet's message while at the same time reminding us of the human face behind it.
1 The disturbing truth - Amos2 A love that will not let us go - Hosea3 The graciousness of God - Jonah4 A clean sheet - Isaiah5 Vision of the future - Isaiah6 From small beginnings - Micah7 Rough justice? - Nahum8 A day of reckoning - Zephaniah9 Life's riddle - Habakkuk10 The unwelcome call - Jeremiah11 Keeping faith - Jeremiah12 A glimpse of glory - Ezekiel13 The last laugh - Obadiah14 The God beyond us - Isaiah15 First things first - Haggai16 Daring to hope - Zechariah17 Studying the word - Ezra18 Out of sight, out of mind? - Nehemiah19 Food for our souls - Joel20 The moment of truth - Malachi
Law and Promise
Looks at the first five books of the Bible and dips also into the book of Joshua, moving from Creation to the founding fathers of the Jewish nation, from the Great Flood to the giving of the Law, from the promise made to Abraham to the first tentative steps into the Promised Land.
1 Excuses, excuses - Adam2 Fallen creation - God3 Fruits of anger - Cain4 The foolishness of faith - Noah5 Facing the unknown - Abram6 Amazing grace - Abraham7 Pearls before swine? - Esau8 A life-changing experience - Jacob9 Do as you would be done by - Rachel10 Grappling with God - Jacob11 The folly of favouritism - Jacob12 Resisting temptation - Joseph13 Learning to forgive - Joseph14 The price of prejudice - A Hebrew slave15 Rising to the challenge - Moses16 The courage to continue - Moses17 Faith in adversity - Moses18 A God of our own making - Aaron19 Glimpsing the promised land - Moses20 Responding in faith - Joshua
!!Book Two
Conquest and Kingdom
Explores the history of the people of Israel from their entry into the Promised Land through the time of Esther and her courageous stand on behalf of her people. It covers some of the truly legendary names of the Old Testament - Samson, Samuel, David and Solomon.
1 Difficult decisions - Rahab2 Straight talking - Balaam3 Taken on trust - Gideon4 Love is blind - Samson5 A friend in need - Ruth6 A costly promise - Hannah7 Getting the message - Samuel8 Digging deeper - Samuel9 Against all odds - David10 Divided loyalties - Jonathan11 A raw nerve - Saul12 A moment's madness - David13 Hitting home - Nathan14 The heart of the matter - Solomon15 A surprise encounter - Elijah16 The moment of truth - Elisha17 Swallowing our pride - Naaman18 All or nothing - Hezekiah19 Rediscovering the word - Josiah20 Risking all - Esther
!!Book Three
Wisdom, Songs and Stories
Explores three strands within the Old Testament: wisdom, songs and stories. The first of these refers to the books of Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes; the second to the Psalms and the Song of Solomon; and the third to the book of Daniel.
1 The mystery of suffering - Job2 Light in our darkness - Job3 Stewards of creation - David4 Counting our blessings - David5 The dark night of the soul - David6 Shepherd of the sheep - David7 Living with failure - David8 Time's paces - Moses9 Songs of praise - David10 United we stand - Psalmist11 A love that will not let us go - David12 Words to remember - Solomon13 Watch your tongue - Solomon14 The price of idleness - Solomon15 The course of true love - Solomon16 The road to nowhere - The Teacher17 A time for everything - The Teacher18 God is able! - Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego19 The disturbing truth - Daniel20 The courage of our convictions - Daniel
!!Book Four
The Word of the Lord
Offers a brief glimpse into the world of Old Testament prophecy, attempting to give a flavour of each prophet's message while at the same time reminding us of the human face behind it.
1 The disturbing truth - Amos2 A love that will not let us go - Hosea3 The graciousness of God - Jonah4 A clean sheet - Isaiah5 Vision of the future - Isaiah6 From small beginnings - Micah7 Rough justice? - Nahum8 A day of reckoning - Zephaniah9 Life's riddle - Habakkuk10 The unwelcome call - Jeremiah11 Keeping faith - Jeremiah12 A glimpse of glory - Ezekiel13 The last laugh - Obadiah14 The God beyond us - Isaiah15 First things first - Haggai16 Daring to hope - Zechariah17 Studying the word - Ezra18 Out of sight, out of mind? - Nehemiah19 Food for our souls - Joel20 The moment of truth - Malachi
About Nick Fawcett

Brought up in Southend-on-Sea, Essex, Nick Fawcett served as a Baptist minister for 13 years, and as a chaplain with TocH for 3, before deciding to focus on writing and editing, which he continues with today,